The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

💩 It’s normal for the “right” decision to have flaws

January 02, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 2 Episode 18
💩 It’s normal for the “right” decision to have flaws
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
💩 It’s normal for the “right” decision to have flaws
Jan 02, 2024 Season 2 Episode 18
Christina Modaffari

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In this candid discussion, we dissect the psychological barriers that cloud our clarity and tackle the daunting idea of uprooting life as we know it. By examining a case study through the lens of the Hot Genius Decision Maker, I'll walk you through a decision-making process that honors both your present and your potential futures. This is more than just an episode; it's an interactive experience designed to illuminate your deepest desires and equip you with the courage to pursue them. Get ready to sort through the noise within and make choices that align with the most authentic version of yourself.

As we wrap up, I'll share the essence of disciplined compassion and how embracing the unknown is an act of bravery. Remember, real self-awareness is not a destination but a journey that requires continuous commitment. I extend my deepest gratitude to our community, for it is your engagement and shared experiences that enrich our collective growth. Spread the love and share this episode, knowing that together, we are stepping into a future where we not only make decisions but make them with clarity and confidence.

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Join the Main Character Makeover

In this candid discussion, we dissect the psychological barriers that cloud our clarity and tackle the daunting idea of uprooting life as we know it. By examining a case study through the lens of the Hot Genius Decision Maker, I'll walk you through a decision-making process that honors both your present and your potential futures. This is more than just an episode; it's an interactive experience designed to illuminate your deepest desires and equip you with the courage to pursue them. Get ready to sort through the noise within and make choices that align with the most authentic version of yourself.

As we wrap up, I'll share the essence of disciplined compassion and how embracing the unknown is an act of bravery. Remember, real self-awareness is not a destination but a journey that requires continuous commitment. I extend my deepest gratitude to our community, for it is your engagement and shared experiences that enrich our collective growth. Spread the love and share this episode, knowing that together, we are stepping into a future where we not only make decisions but make them with clarity and confidence.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, gang, so this is the first episode of 2024. Happy New Year, by the way. I hope you had an awesome new year. So today's episode was actually inspired by one of my clients. She was really struggling with getting clarity on a situation and it got me thinking that I find that so many people in her position struggle with this same thing, and I wanted to create an episode that was dedicated solely in how you can gain clarity on what you want, but not just gain clarity on what you want or understanding a situation clearly, but to be confident in that clarity.

Speaker 1:

So get excited, because this episode, the things that I'm going to teach you in this episode, are things that these tools completely changed my life. They were built upon years and years of not just trial and error in my own personal life, but they were built throughout my years as a therapist of working with different types of people who went through the same level of confusion. And, yeah, we're gonna go through all the things. So in today, we're gonna be covering two main ways. I guess that you could utilize it or perceive as some sort of a signal that you're even in a situation that's calling for clarity in the first place, and then we're going to discuss how to actually make a decision and how we can have confidence in our clarity, get really aligned and connected to our truth, because it can be really easy to get confused, right Like we're kind of very wired to sort of go and do our heads in by looking at the pros and the cons and feeling really really just overwhelmed by what we want. And so, yeah, the intention of this episode is to provide you with, again, not just clarity and not just confidence, but in a sense, to organize, organize your feelings into words that just make complete sense, so that you can follow that with your energy and action. So let's get straight into it. So I know it's obvious, but I think it's important to say obvious things sometimes, because what I was going to say is that one of the reasons that you can that is a signal that's calling you to gain clarity on something in the first place is that you start to notice that you have thoughts about your situation or your life where it's sort of thoughts that are like what ifs? Or wonders, like hmm, I wonder what it would be like if I were to do that, or I wonder what it would be like if I were to be single, or I wonder what it would be like if I were to move to another country or another state. It's that what if? Or that curiosity that's usually a clear signal that your soul, your intuition, is inviting you to gain some clarity on a situation. The other one is more so. You already have the idea about that. You need to gain clarity on a situation.

Speaker 1:

It's that you're stuck in indecision and analysis, paralysis, and what comes with that, unfortunately, is that we start diving into again measuring the pros and cons against each other. And just so we're clear, I cannot stand pros and cons lists. I think that they are absolutely a waste of time because pros and cons lists do not factor in your intuition, meaning that your intuition is the most illogical thing on the planet. And so if you just rely on a pros and cons list, then again you're not factoring in your authentic self, your core desire. You're just basing it off your logic.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, and also just to add to that, I want you to think of pros and cons lists like this so, with your life, who you are right this moment and who you always will be, is a multi-dimensional being. You are not just a brain, you are not just a mind right. You have emotions. That's one dimension of you. There's a spiritual part of you, there's your intuition, there's your mind. There's so many different layers to your whole being. But a pros and cons list is only communicating with your mind. It leaves out your emotions, it leaves out your intuition, it leaves out your spirituality, it leaves everything else out. So that's why I am not a fan of pros and cons lists. And don't worry, I will share with you a similar process. But this process does actually communicate with all dimensions of you, but it also carries the ability to truly see things with the most objective lens. In my opinion, when I share this process with you, it's called the Hot Genius Decision Maker. It will change your life because it's actually going to give you the closest thing you could possibly have to, like a computer checking in information and like an algorithm or something, and like providing you with that quote, unquote right answer In this case the right answer for you, because the right answer for you is not necessarily gonna be the same right answer for someone else.

Speaker 1:

I know you already know this but again, like I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, it's actually very important to state obvious things. It is probably more important to reinforce things. You already know that it is to, in a way, learn something new, because Learning something new sometimes is more like the shiny object syndrome, where you're just wanting the next shiny thing or the next new thing, not realizing that most the magic and wisdom that you carry is within the realms of things. You already know that you not have yet mastered, that you have not yet forced, or that you have not yet turned that intellectual knowing into embodied knowing, because there's four layers to learning learning in any way, be that learning instrument, learning a language, learning a new skill, or simply just philosophy or a way of thinking or a mindset. So, yeah, very important to reinforce things as well, just as a side note.

Speaker 1:

So I want to begin by saying that, before we dive into the hot genius decision maker which, if it's safe for you to do so, I really recommend that, when it's like, get your pen and notepad ready. If there is something that you're seeking to gain clarity on, we'll do it together during this episode, and if you're not really wanting to do that right now, you want to save it for later. That's cool as well. You simply just learning and hearing about what it means, how it works, why it works, how to do it is already going to provide you with so much clarity in itself. But I wanted to first begin by saying that it's totally okay that you are confused Again. It's something you already know, that you probably just nearly hear. It's okay.

Speaker 1:

In fact, I would argue that if you are desiring to seek clarity on something that that's just you loving yourself enough to go hmm, something isn't aligning in my life in this situation, and I love myself enough I am brave enough to actually explore this, because most people won't. That's the truth, and let me tell you why. Because in the pursuit of gaining clarity towards a situation, what no one talks about is that, in order to gain clarity in the first place, you need to actually be prepared to finding out something that could potentially completely shift your whole life Completely. That's why people struggle with clarity, and so I don't want to get into the solution mode yet until we understand why clarity is hard to hard to gain in the first place. Because it's important that we understand this.

Speaker 1:

So in the future, when you will find yourself most likely in a situation where you need to have clarity again and you feel resistance or confusion. You're going to be like oh, that's because subconsciously, I know that it's going to take some courage, because I'm about to step into the unknown, because in order for me to get clarity in the first place, I need to step into the unknown. And whatever comes from this clarity might actually affect the way I currently live my life and as much as I want to grow and evolve and change, well, it's potentially scary because anything as you know, anything foreign, anything new, even if it's good for you, it's going to register as fear within your body. So I just really wanted to start there first, so that you understand right now that if you are struggling to gain clarity, it's not so much that you don't know how. It's more so that you subconsciously are afraid of this clarity. Yeah, so I just want to take a moment for you to just really process that, and that's okay. But now that you know what it is, it doesn't have to control you and if the episode honestly ended right now, then you honestly have more than what you need, just from knowing that, just from you knowing and having the awareness of fuck, the reason why I'm struggling to gain clarity is because I'm low-key, afraid of that answer. You can do something with that already. But. But what we're about to learn now is a tool that's going to take that to the next level. It's more, it's a practical way again to create clarity, make a decision and be confident in that decision. So this is what it is. It's the Hot Genius Decision Maker. This is something I teach in the Sim Academy. Okay, I've never shared this with anyone outside the Sim Academy, besides one of my best friends, so I'm really excited to share this with you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so how it works is that we, when we're trying to gain clarity in a situation we usually have At least truth, minimum two things that we're kind of tossing up between. For example, let's use a case study. So let's say, you're trying to gain clarity on what you want your life to be like in general, like your. Let's say, let's make it a big one. Okay. Let's say you're trying to figure out what you really want out of life, like, what's your truth. But let's get bit more specific. Like let's say that you're trying to gain clarity on, like, where you want to live your lifestyle and your career.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's, let's go there from this place. Already, there's usually like a Minimum two options. One option is okay, everything stays the same, pretty much. So you have the same lifestyle, same relationship, same job, etc. And on the other hand, there's usually there's usually some sort of like exploration in your mind They've had. Maybe it's like Imagining that you're traveling, or imagining you go into a different country or moving into state. Maybe it's leaving the relationship you're in, maybe it's leaving the job that you're in. Maybe it's contemplating, like go back to school.

Speaker 1:

Let's say like let's say that that's where you're at. You're like keep my life exactly as it is or do I go and Completely change my life and uproot the whole thing? Let's say that that's your situation. I want you to write our option a and Underneath option a, I want you to write why do I want this? Okay, and leave space like a lot of space for you to brain dump underneath that prompt and underneath why do I want this? You got to write why Don't I want this. And Then, on a separate page, you're gonna write option B and Make sure that the pages are like you can see them at the same time. It's just easier that way. Like don't if it's in a journal. I don't recommend that you do it like so that you have to like flip back and forth to see both pages. Try and make sure you have like a double page available or two separate sheets. Anyway, the next page will do the same thing. But you're gonna write option B you know right, same things, the prompt why do I want this? And Then leave space, the brain down and underneath that. You know right, why don't I want this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, this can work for as many options as you want. So let's say you're in a situation where you're like oh, I have five different options that I'm choosing from. All you do to modify this is just write the same thing. But you just write option C, option D, option E, etc. Right, obviously you don't want to give yourself too much but, like, sometimes the situation does call for it. For example, like, if you're like trying to figure out Gain clarity in the country you want to travel to and you've got five countries in mind, it makes sense to do that for five. But anyway, in this situation we're just gonna get those two options for now.

Speaker 1:

Now, option a you're gonna write the, the option a for you. So maybe for you it's Keep my life the way it is right now, keep my life the same whatever. And let's say option B is. Let's say option B is leave my relationship, um, travel, new job, okay, you're gonna go into option a and then you go right underneath the why do I want this? So why do I want to keep my current life? Just list everything out. Maybe what comes out is Because because I love the people I work with, because I've been in this relationship for six years, because I, because I save money, like whatever. Like just start writing out the reasons why you want option a. So if you want to keep your life the same, right out why you want it. Now you're gonna write out why don't you want to keep your life the same? All right, so maybe for that it's.

Speaker 1:

I Feel stuck, I Feel like I can't grow. My soul is calling for more. I Want to explore Whatever right and then and Then you write for option B. So option B in this situation is like new job, leave, like leaving the relationship and maybe traveling. So why do you want a new job? Why do you want to leave the relationship?

Speaker 1:

Like, obviously this is better if you broke it down for each, like that would be like a whole workshop in itself, but this is, you can still do it as a generalization for oil, for all of it, like, do not, like. I just want that to be clear, that this process can be a generalized thing. I recommend you do a generalized thing like this first and then, whatever you get, when do the analysis, which is the last part of this hot genius decision maker? After you've done that, that's when you start breaking shit down. For example, let's say, we get to the end of this and you're like oh, like, I want to explore further about this New job situation. Like that's when you break down each, but you always begin with the general overview just to kind of give yourself a bit of a framework. Yeah, anyway, so going back to option B.

Speaker 1:

So option B is like getting the new job, leaving the relationship and traveling. Let's say it's like why do you want to do that? Why do you want a new job? Maybe it's I Want to Challenge myself. Let's say I Want to earn more money, I Want my independence, or I want to find myself. Let's say and let it out by the way like letter everything until you feel like there's nothing there. This is your space to ramble guilt-free. Yeah, okay, so now, underneath that, you're right. Why don't I want this. So why don't I want the new job? Why don't I want to leave the relationship? Why don't I want to travel? And maybe what comes out here is I Don't want to hurt my partner, and Maybe what comes out is I'm scared to travel alone. It's dangerous. Let's say what. What comes from this is I Can't be fucked going back to uni, or something like. Let's say that's what's coming out and that's an.

Speaker 1:

Obviously this is a case study, because this is an episode, but I really want you to let it all out. Yeah, do not hold back, because the way that the hot genius decision maker is as effective as you are honest with yourself, I'm gonna say that again. The hot genius decision maker method, this method we're doing right now, which is their freakin superior Of per in cons list, okay, it is as effective as you are willing to be honest with yourself. So now that we have this, we have the data, I'm gonna show you how you're gonna analyze this. So, if you're not doing this right now, I'm gonna tell you and, and you're gonna like, imagine it in your mind, obviously. So what we've done here is We've we've broken down both of the things that you're tossing up between. We've given you space to let out why you want the thing and why you don't want the thing for both.

Speaker 1:

Why did we do this? Let's understand this, because most of the time, whatever you've actually written on this piece of paper is Actually the amount of thoughts you have going through your mind, and so on. One second You're like, oh, like, I want to just keep my life the same. I'm crazy for even considering to change it because I love the people I work with. And then, like two minutes later, you're like, oh, my god, like why is? Why is Carrie in Costa Rica? Like I wish I was there, I should be doing that. And then the next minute is like, oh, my goodness, like I, I love, I love my partner. They just do everything for me, like they care about me. You know, wow, I'd be. I'm insane for thinking of lady.

Speaker 1:

And then you're two minutes later, you start going mmm, you see someone on Instagram you know, but your rage who single, who decided to find themselves and go on, is you know, self exploration, situation and whatever else. And you stop going. I really wish I could do that. You see what I'm going here. You're already doing this list in your mind in your life, but it's plaguing you, it's driving you to the ground, it's making you do your head in, it's keeping you stuck, it's messing with your mental health more than you realize. It's messing with your self-confidence, your self-trust, and some people stay in this cycle, by the way, for decades.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so like, let's begin there with the fact that you've already had these thoughts, whether they are conscious or unconscious. What we've done is we've organized your thoughts. Okay, this is the best thing I've ever created. I was like, seriously, I'm so proud of this because we haven't even gotten to the how to analyze it yet, and I'm sure you're already understanding and feeling in your bones Just how much this makes sense. I hope you're already excited, you? So, now that you know why this works, how this works, you know that we've just pretty much organized your brain. We have found a way to pull out your shadow side, your unconscious mind, your conscious everything. Assuming you've done this honestly, assuming you haven't held back on anything on the prompts, we now can see you on paper and it's not just on paper as a random brain dump with random words that overwhelm you just completely organized, because now we can get to the analysis of this data you ready, how you can find out the quote on quote right answer. That's right for you.

Speaker 1:

When I say right, the truth is really is I'm going to call it your authentic self's answer or your highest self thinking? Yeah, because the thing is in our minds, in our everyday life. We've got thoughts from our ego and we've got thoughts from our higher self. Most people can't tell the difference between who is speaking or who is thinking, and this is where getting like that's a whole nother episode like to learn how to discern between you know, intuition or fear. But again, this is a way that you can strengthen that ability, by the way, is just by doing this because, again, you're going to be able to tell the difference. You're going to be able to see when the highest self is speaking, when your authentic self is speaking, versus your ego is speaking. And I'm going to quickly show you how.

Speaker 1:

When you look at the answers again, the quote on quote right answer, quote on quote, your highest self's answer, is usually the answers that expand you. Now let me just be clear about something. Another reason why people struggle with clarity and making a decision in general is because usually there is fear attached to every answer. We kind of have been lied to or conditioned to believe that a decision, a good decision or gaining clarity like the perfect one, so to speak, must mean that there is no cost, or there is no fear or there is no discomfort, and that's a lie. Every single decision we make even not making a decision, is a decision. Every single decision we make has discomfort, has a cost. I could really take that in Before we continue. Let's take that in Everything will have a cost, and that's okay. But what you are in control of is what kind of cost is it? Is it a cost that expands you? Is it discomfort that helps you become more of who you really are, become your higher self, become your authentic self? Or is it a cost of you actually betraying your truth? Is it a cost of you staying small? Is it a cost of you simply staying in your comfort zone and putting yourself in a cycle that you don't want to be in? So when you look at the answers, let's go back to this case study, option A, in this sorry, you know what this case study. I'm going to tell you the answer and then I'm going to tell you how I got the answer In this situation on this case study.

Speaker 1:

The answers of the person. Option A was keeping. Let's say they wanted to keep their life the same. They wrote why they want this is because they love the people they work with. That's why they don't want to leave. They get to save money. And the reason why they don't want to leave their job is because they feel stuck. I can't even read my writing for this case study, but you get my point you remember. Now, in option B, what they wrote is you know, I want to be challenged. That's why I want a new life. Essentially, I want to get to know the real me.

Speaker 1:

And then the reasons why this person didn't want to have this new life is because they have fear of like, oh, maybe traveling alone is dangerous or I can't be bothered going back to school. Now, the authentic answer for this case study would be option B. For this person to have the clarity that they are really after is, for them, the right answer, meaning their authentic self, the highest self's voice, is actually saying that they actually want to change their whole life, that they want a new job, they want a new relationship and they want to travel. Now, obviously there's more to it, because it's such a big thing. I recommend this hypothetical fake person we just made up for this case study to really break down each, because maybe they want to change jobs and travel, but they want to stay in the relationship.

Speaker 1:

Let's say it's not always black and white, but again, like I said at the beginning of this, you got to begin with a generalized framework before you can break shit down. You get me, so that was just like a little disclaimer. But anyway, before I was saying I'm going to tell you how I got this analysis. This is how you do it. When you're doing this for yourself, you just look at your answers side by side the answers that you wrote down when you were brain dumping, the thoughts, the thoughts in which are keeping you small is probably not the thing that your higher self wants. In fact, it is definitely not what you truly want.

Speaker 1:

But the answers that are scary, such as I can't be bothered going back to school or I don't know, I've never done, I've never been single before, let's say that was the answer. These are scary, but they are expansive, they're not actually harming you. Whereas for option A the fear of like, let's say when it's like, oh, because I love the people I work with and AKA, that hypothetical person only wants to stay because they liked what they work with, but they're miserable in that job. The fear of staying in that job I mean the fear of leaving that job is keeping them small. Do you get me? Whereas the fear of doing something new and starting again, yes, it's scary, but it's guaranteed expansion. Aka, that is your authentic self. Do you get my point? And so this is why this is so powerful, and that's why I said to you at the beginning if you, if you follow the hot genius decision maker, you are able to not just gain clarity, not just make a decision, but you get to have confidence in your decision, because now you don't have to worry about, oh my God, which one's the right answer. It doesn't, it doesn't make logical sense anymore Now. It's purely customized to you on every level of your being. It's, it's, it's analyzing you from your mind, your body and your spirit. That's how powerful this is.

Speaker 1:

And maybe for you, you're you're trying to gain clarity on the career you want. Maybe your situation is oh, do I want to stay as a, a beauty business owner, or do I want to become? Um, do I want to open up a different business. I want to be a life coach. Like, let's say, that's your situation. You're trying to gain clarity on how you want to live out your life. You do the same thing.

Speaker 1:

Option A is you know, stay or evolve this beauty company. And option B is start um becoming a life coach and and opening up a um coaching company instead. Same thing. You go through this process. You write out for each option why do I want this, why don't I want this? And then for the other option, same thing and you let it out.

Speaker 1:

But remember, if this doesn't work, it's because you skipped the most important step, which was what we spoke about Before we got into the hot, hot genius decision maker, which was understanding why People can't make decisions or gain clarity in the first place. Remember what I, what we said. It's that Because we're actually subconsciously afraid of the answer. Remember that. So if you get stuck, just just remember that, just remember crap. I think it's because I'm still. I'm still afraid to find out my truth. Most people are afraid to find out their truth and that's why most people Don't know what they want. And I'm here to remind you that. Be that. If you relate to that or you know someone who relates to that that the truth is you actually do know what you want. You just your brain is protecting you by convincing you that you don't know what you want and that you're confused Because it's subconsciously afraid to find out the truth, your truth, your subjective, authentic truth. So take your time with this process.

Speaker 1:

I always recommend people to be gentle on themselves whilst also being Disciplined on themselves. I don't want to call it tough love. I want to call it disciplined compassion. Yeah, discipline, self-compassion. Have the compassion for yourself that it takes a lot of balls to even want to gain clarity on a situation in the first place. We really know why. Because Knowing our truth can be scary, because it's the unknown. We don't know what it means. But also having the discipline to be honest with yourself, because remember that you actually not making a decision or you not Allowing yourself to gain clarity on a situation is a decision in itself, and that indecision or vacancy or staying miserable if that is your, whatever our staying miserable in a certain situation or Procrastinating on making a decision your brain might have, not, not my.

Speaker 1:

Your brain convinces you by not making decision. It's like keeping you safe, but it's not. It's hurting you, it's effect, it's costing you your, your mental health, your emotional health, your concentration, your ability to be present, more than you know. And I want to wrap up this episode by sharing my gentle, my disciplined, compassionate note for you. And it's that, when I found that I had a lot of resistance to a certain thing that I was doing this process with, what really helped me was to just tell myself, okay, christina, like, whatever the answer is, I Don't have to act on it. Like, really hear me, whatever. Like, by you telling yourself, whatever the answer is, like, let's say for you, the answer is to like, completely change your whole life. Tell yourself, if that's the answer, if that's my highest self's answer, I have the control and power to not do that, because I want to know, like I said, I want to wrap this episode up by actually sharing this that you don't have to, don't pressure yourself To actually do that thing, that you gain clarity on yeah, like, because the truth is you don't want to come, like action straight away. You want to sit with the clarity. You want to give yourself the time and the disciplined self-compassion to refine that clarity. We don't want to make a decision from an impulsive place, from a place of many many are or from a place of unprocessed emotions. Yeah, like. I think this is like.

Speaker 1:

The most important part of the podcast is understanding that you don't have to. I don't even understand. I don't even encourage you to act on the quote-unquote higher self-answer For the clarity that you are seeking. Don't pressure yourself, and I assure you nine times out of ten, when you just tell yourself that you don't have to because you really don't, that you have the power and the control to do what you will with the clarity that you gain from this exercise, then it releases all resistance. It's no longer scary because, let me tell you something, there is no shame in gaining clarity situation and simply not acting on it For like months or maybe years.

Speaker 1:

If there's no shame in it, I think the most important part of this is just to have the answer, because everyone does things at their own time. Trust the process. All that I'm encouraging you to do from this podcast episode is for you to stop Driving yourself mad is to just give yourself the answer, to be brave enough to Digest your answer to, to give yourself the gift of your truth. That's the most important part of this Because, as weird as it sounds, it is way healthier for you to know what your soul truly wants but your authentic self wants and not act on it. It's better to do that then to Then to punish yourself with not knowing your truth at all and just going in your circle, walking through life on autopilot.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, conscious people, despite popular opinion, are actually at higher risk of going on autopilot because Naturally our ego likes to tell us oh, we're conscious, we've done the work, so that means that I'm never going to be, you know, blindsided by my ego, you know, and it starts creating like this level of like overconfidence, and so that's why I'm sharing with you like it happened to me too, happens to a lot of people who have done a lot of personal development Work, a lot of people who do like conscious creation. We develop like a bit of an ego, like a healing ego or a conscious person or spiritual ego, and they can really fuck us up. And so just having that awareness, like I said, if you have to choose between Getting the clarity on your highest self's true desires and not acting on it, is way healthier for you then for you to again punish and hurt yourself by not Actually giving yourself the truth, and this once again Continuing in the what I would call a conscious autopilot. You know what I mean when I say that. Okay, well, I hope you enjoyed this episode. I cannot wait to get into the next one with you next week, or maybe the I'll drop another one midweek.

Speaker 1:

I just want to send you so much love, welcome to the new year, and I hope that this episode serves you in gaining clarity for whatever situation you are seeking clarity in. And and just remember once again that gaining clarity is half the work in itself and it's gonna guarantee you Such a powerful new year. It's gonna have a very intentional next level for you, where you can get more connection in your life, more success in your life and, honestly, you don't even have to take as much action as you think, just knowing your truth. You'd be so surprised at how powerful that in itself is, and I highly encourage you to use this method the HD decision maker as a way of life to organize and learn and practice the difference between your egoic thoughts versus your highest self thoughts. This can be applied to anything.

Speaker 1:

And, lastly, I want to share my love with you and to remind you that if you know someone who's gonna benefit from this episode, please share this with them. Share this episode in your stories on socials. Share it with someone you love. You know, the more people that this show reaches, the more people can live a fulfilled life and Feel connected to this community. I cannot build this community without you, and I could use all the support, so so much love to you until next time.

Gaining Clarity and Confidence in Decision-Making
Gaining Clarity and Making Confident Decisions
Finding Clarity and Authentic Self
The Power of Clarity and Compassion
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