The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

⭐️ It’s time to trust again

February 06, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 3 Episode 26
⭐️ It’s time to trust again
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
⭐️ It’s time to trust again
Feb 06, 2024 Season 3 Episode 26
Christina Modaffari

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I've always believed that the greatest journey you can embark on is the road to discovering your true potential. That's why this season, I'm inviting you to join me, Christina Modaffari, in an intimate exploration of the transformative Power of Trust in Manifestation. Have you ever considered that the muscle of trust might just be the remedy to the anxiety that haunts your days and disturbs your nights? 

As the conversation deepens, we'll venture into the realm of the Importance of Trust and Self-Control. Here's the reality: when the ground shakes beneath us, it's the strength of trust within ourselves that keeps us standing. I'll guide you through the intricate dance of our nervous system and the art of navigating life's waves with a masterful calm. We'll dissect the misconception that control comes from external forces and redefine it as an internal mastery of response. Delving into the complexities of trust in relationships, I spotlight how it's a choice—a binary state that leaves no room for half measures. Whether you're mending broken trust or safeguarding your boundaries, this episode is an empowering toolkit for anyone looking to harness the power of trust in every aspect of life.

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I've always believed that the greatest journey you can embark on is the road to discovering your true potential. That's why this season, I'm inviting you to join me, Christina Modaffari, in an intimate exploration of the transformative Power of Trust in Manifestation. Have you ever considered that the muscle of trust might just be the remedy to the anxiety that haunts your days and disturbs your nights? 

As the conversation deepens, we'll venture into the realm of the Importance of Trust and Self-Control. Here's the reality: when the ground shakes beneath us, it's the strength of trust within ourselves that keeps us standing. I'll guide you through the intricate dance of our nervous system and the art of navigating life's waves with a masterful calm. We'll dissect the misconception that control comes from external forces and redefine it as an internal mastery of response. Delving into the complexities of trust in relationships, I spotlight how it's a choice—a binary state that leaves no room for half measures. Whether you're mending broken trust or safeguarding your boundaries, this episode is an empowering toolkit for anyone looking to harness the power of trust in every aspect of life.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Hot Genius podcast. I'm your host, christina Modafari, and this is the first episode of season three of the show, which I am so excited to record because this season has a new, fresh energy. Okay, as all new seasons are supposed to do. But specifically, you know this has been three months now. This podcast has been around for three months. It's the longest I've ever committed to a podcast, you know, and I have to make a whole episode just on that, because there's been a huge, huge breakthrough from that.

Speaker 1:

But specifically, this season is something that has been, I feel like, really cooking in my metaphorical oven, because it needed a lot of, I guess, time and energy behind the scenes before I felt ready to record this. So expect this season to be, you know, still a lot about mental health and wellness and stuff like that. It's very, very predominantly surrounding the realm of manifestation and energetics, and this is where now I can tie together the neuroscience as well as the energetic sides excuse me, energetic side of things. Liz, my voice there. Look, I'm not going to lie. I've been batch recording, so I've been talking so much and I haven't done as many, you know, vocal warm-ups that I want to do, but yeah, anyway, let's get straight into it, so excited.

Speaker 1:

So this episode is called it's Time to Trust, because I think that, although this can be applied to so many different situations, it can be applied to people in our lives. It can be applied to ourselves. I think that trust in itself though it doesn't really matter what you're applying it to, because how we do anything is how we do everything. You know, and if you can find a way to create this sense of trust with life, with the universe, with whatever faith that you have, then you're naturally going to be able to trust yourself more. You're naturally going to be able to trust your partner more and your friends and whatever else. That requires trust, you know, because trust really is just the energy between you and something you have no control over. I'm going to say that again Trust is the space in between you and something that you have no control over. You know you don't have any control over your partner, you have no control over your friends, you have no control over the universe, you have no control over your faith, right, and so that's why it's called trust. It's that space, though. It's that space in between you, and that it is you either have it or you don't, and if you don't have trust, then you are naturally disconnected from that thing, and so that's why this topic is so important. This is why, again, you can see why I'm so excited, because this can apply to so many different things. You know it's like this is when it comes to trust. Yeah, like it is similar to being pregnant. You can't be half pregnant. You either are pregnant or you're not, and the same goes with trust.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people like to believe that when they trust something, they can trust them a little, and it's like not really, you either trust or you don't. And that does not apply, obviously, to people where you're like you just thrown away your trust at someone that you just meet. I mean like you do you boo, but I mean like all in all, the actual energy of trust, though like it's you either do it or you don't. And, of course, you can choose the volume in which you utilize that trust for that specific relationship or person, but it is not something that you can half us. It just doesn't work like that. And so if you are on a manifestation journey, if you are on a healing journey, then this is going to truly support you in ways that I kind of begin to describe, because without trust, unfortunately, you cannot truly heal, and without trust you can't actually manifest what you want.

Speaker 1:

So let me just quickly explain why I want you to write this down, if you can.

Speaker 1:

But the opposite of anxiety is trust. I'm going to say that again the opposite of anxiety is trust. And so, yes, that is something that I haven't seen, that anywhere, although I wish it was something that was written somewhere. It was something that I discovered by accident. You see, for me, I used to have really, really chronic anxiety and I started to realize that what was really going on with me and anyone else who was struggling with anxiety was, well, if you think of anxiety, anxiety is this desire to seek safety through, through creating a false sense of control over the things that we can't control, you know. So when I, let's say, had really intense anxiety with my body and with my health, what was really going on was that I didn't trust my body anymore, I didn't trust my mind anymore, I didn't trust my nervous system anymore. When I went to the doctors to get myself checked out, because I had really intense Hypochondria and the doctor said that I was fine, but I didn't feel fine. I didn't trust the doctor, I didn't trust the medical system. I was constantly making sure that they did the test correctly. I'd sometimes redo the tests or whatever else. It was a trust situation. That's what it was.

Speaker 1:

And you see, the reason why this is so important is because if you have anxiety, you might understand this, but you don't trust anything anymore. Right, think about it. When you're anxious about something let's say you are anxious about Telling your partner something the reason why you're anxious is because you don't have trust that they are going to respond in a safe manner. Am I wrong? Where am I wrong? I'm not. It's because that's what it is. You don't trust the outcome, you don't trust it. And when you don't trust it, you are now waiting for evidence. Right, you're waiting to have like certainty of that thing, to prove to you that you are 100% going to be safe, and you will continuously feel anxious until you get that evidence. But the thing is you will never get that evidence, because that's not how life works, because you can't have healing and a calm nervous system and a regulated nervous system and also have certainty in every single thing in life. You can't have that both you can't manifest the things you want in your life and also know a hundred percent how that manifestation will unfold.

Speaker 1:

Do you see where I'm going here? Do you see that pattern? Do you see that link? That really trust is our ability to trust in the things we can't control, and that's why I say it the way I say it like it's being able to trust Trust is like that space between you and the things that you can't control, and so when it comes down to self trust, it's like it's. It is a little bit different, sort of, because when we struggle to trust ourselves, it is, in a way, something that we believe we can't control, as in let me give an example Like, let's say that every single time in the past, you really, really were confident that you were going to act out a pattern again.

Speaker 1:

You thought you hit that breakthrough. And now, whatever you were struggling with prior to that breakthrough you know you would have all this excitement is expectation that you're never going to succumb to that pattern again. Right, and then every single time you got excited, you had that breakthrough. You go in that same situation and you trigger it again and you're like, oh, but I thought I broke through this. What the fuck right?

Speaker 1:

So, naturally, you're going to develop a distrust with yourself because you think you aren't in control. And that's the difference when it comes to self, because yourself well, we know this you're the only thing that you can control. So when you can't trust the one thing on the planet that you are in control of, that can be another arena of of fear and and and lack of safety. Right and so when, when we are able to to understand this one important thing, that when it the only difference when it comes to trusting yourself Versus trusting the universe or trusting other people, the only key difference is, is that, well, you can't control other people's behavior, you can't control the universe, but when it comes to you, the one thing that you should be able to control and you can't because you don't know why your nervous systems acting out A certain way. You don't know why you're having heart palpitations for no fucking reason. You don't know why you can't. You lied five minutes ago to your brother. You have no idea.

Speaker 1:

When you feel your own body and mind Okay is like not in your control, that's when you create this vicious cycle and it spills everywhere in your life, which is why I don't just talk about manifestation, which is why I don't just talk about the nervous system. That's why I don't just talk about mental health, because to me they are truly a part of the same game there's. To me they are one thing. Like you need one with it, like you need each other. You can, you can manifest until like forever. But if you don't have control over yourself, trust within yourself, which is only created when you know how your nervous system works, by the way, then you can't actually manifest shit, because how you do anything is how you do everything. And if you don't trust your own body, you can't trust the universe to provide for you safety or gifts or blessings, because you don't even trust your body. And again, like, that's why I, again, I keep saying this, because it's so important to to reiterate that Nervous system regulation is completely linked to your spirituality. It is linked and If you can be in control of yourself, the whole point of me teaching nervous system regulation is, for one thing, it's because it's the only way truly you'll be in control of yourself.

Speaker 1:

And you might be thinking like oh, but Christina, there's a lot of people out there who are in control of themselves and they don't know about nervous system regulation. You might be right, but let me tell you what exception that is. That is for someone who has yet experienced the effects of long-term stress. That is, from someone who doesn't have anxiety. But look, not saying they will get anxiety, but the chances of living in this world is Is very high for someone to get anxiety, so if they haven't had it already, they might get it eventually, and it will just happen to them in the future.

Speaker 1:

This is like when you are in control of your nervous system. You know how it works and you get to have control of yourself because, remember, trust is the space between you and the things that you can't control, and that applies to everything else in the world outside of you. But when it comes to you, when it comes to the self, well, that is the one thing you should be able to control. When you can't, everything around you falls apart, because now you can't trust the people in your relationships, but more so, you can't trust yourself enough to know that you can handle the pain that they might cause you. Do you see how it always comes back to you? And do you see how it's not necessarily self-trust that we need to focus on it's more.

Speaker 1:

So well, first going, number one I need to trust, like I need to trust in things outside of me. I need trust in the universe and you to be able to trust in other people. And the truth is I Can't be sitting here waiting for evidence, because that's just not how trust works. Right, the whole point of trust is to is to trust something without necessarily having a logical reason to, because by you trusting in something without needing the evidence for it, you do it from this space, then, well, that's you letting go of control. And when you let go of control, that is trust. And when you let go of control and you trust, that's how you become someone who can receive their blessings from that manifestation angle.

Speaker 1:

But when it comes to your body, to yourself, to your mind, to your wellness, to you, to you, just you as a person, that is the one thing you can control. And the way again that you learn to do that is to truly Know how you work and aka like learn nervous system regulation. Because if you can get that on board now, when it comes to Say you know, trusting in the universe and letting go of control and surrendering to the things that you can't control, not needing the evidence of how that manifestation is gonna unfold, for instance, then You're going to be able To be in an energy that's not desperate, you're calm, and when you are vibrating, you know at a high vibration which does not necessarily mean positive, by the way, it just means light then, well, that's doing more than one thing at once. It's it's teaching you that, well, by letting go of control, the things that you can't control, is how you can truly be in control the things you can, which is yourself, but you can't be in control on a control freak level of the universe around you and also and also be taking control of your own life, because it just can't work like that. And so I don't know what you're going through right now. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I Don't know if you have trust issues, I don't know where you're out on your journey, but I'm here to tell you that there's a reason why you clicked on this episode. I Think you are actually ready to trust, because it says it's time to trust, but maybe this was a message that you needed to hear. Maybe this message found you, because I believe that you're listening to this message at the perfect time that you were supposed to listen to it. I truly believe that. But you already know this, and if you don't already know the things that we've learned, you can. You feel that it makes sense within you. You understand it on some sort of an intuitive level, and Maybe what you were missing was that maybe you've been waiting for evidence To give you some sort of safety when you can just relax. But that's not how trust is built, that's not how trust is embodied. It's actually Ending the fight, ending the weight of the evidence before you can be at peace, before you can be happy, before you can feel safe. And Obviously, you know, when it comes to a situation, let's say like if you're in a relationship and that person broke your trust or something, and you're like, oh, but they need to earn it.

Speaker 1:

I just want to put it out there, that look, this is just my opinion yet, but, like I did say earlier, that trust is either on or off, right, and if you already, if you, if someone betrays your trust in your relationship, right, and you choose to keep them in your life. But that's your responsibility To know that. Well, now, if you keep me them in your life, you can't punish them. That's just not. That's just not. That's makes no sense to do that. You got to trust them. If you can't trust them which is fair, it's valid if someone is broken your trust and you don't want to trust them, then it is, in my opinion, your responsibility. Well, to end that relationship will create a really intense boundary where they're not, you know, in the position where you need to trust them, like that's on you, but we can't keep having everything both ways. You know, like we need to have that balance.

Speaker 1:

And and when I say you need to trust them, I don't mean like obviously there's so many nuances here. So please, please, take this with a grain of salt, because there's so many, you know, details and nuances that are obviously very important for the message, and I'm very big on context. So take what makes sense to you, but like they're, like there's a fine line, you know, between Trusting someone, like creating that openness of trust so that they have the opportunity and space to actually repair that trust Okay, that's what I mean versus you just blocking yourself off from the energy of trust, which just punishes them, so that actually, no matter what they're doing to earn back your trust, like you're not receiving any of it. In fact, now you are becoming someone who's like abusing them and punishing them, which it doesn't help. You're just in a toxic situation now. Do you see the difference there? So, like, if again, like if your partner has betrayed you and you've chosen to stay with them, that means you've chosen to take responsibility for the fact that you need to now trust them.

Speaker 1:

And when I say trust them, it's not black and white, it's opening yourself up to trust. It's not needing all this evidence before you open yourself up. It's creating a container space for them to repair that trust. Because if you know the truth about trust, you know that trusting other people has nothing to do with other people. It's us, it's you. It's that if you don't trust another person, it's more so you don't trust yourself to be able to handle it if they do betray you again. That's the difference. When you know they're quote-unquote secret that trusting other people is really an issue of trusting yourself, that one thing you can control, that you might have forgotten that you can control, then it doesn't really matter if they did betray you again, because you trust yourself so much to be able to handle that With so much grace and and respect.

Speaker 1:

And I'm using that example because it's the same with the universe, right? Like maybe the universe in some way made you feel betrayed and maybe you're waiting for evidence so that, like from the universe, maybe that's in a result, like result of a sign, or maybe you want, yes, some sort of physical, tangible sign or evidence to to tell you that you can trust the universe. But you are doing the thing that you're doing with your relationships, where, where you're part, instead of your partner betraying you, the universe betrayed you and are you waiting for the evidence, but you've closed yourself off from the universe actually providing you with anything for you to actually receive that trust. That's not how trust works. It's not you closing up now that now you are entitled to that thing outside of you to prove themselves. No, it's not about that. It's about opening yourself up and trusting, like transcending trust for other people through completely trusting yourself, because that's your natural, that's your natural state. By the way, your natural state is to trust yourself when you can get there. Doesn't even matter if universe betrays you, doesn't matter if your partner betrays you. You just know that you, you can trust yourself enough to know what to do, that you will respect yourself, that you will be, you know, handle it gracefully. You'll handle it with compassion for yourself and that person, with respect Again, and when you master nervous system regulation, that's how you actually create that control of yourself.

Speaker 1:

That's self-trust that you are born with, but it stays strong and sturdy when you actually have competence. Sometimes we need that competence and that's the kind of evidence that we do require and that makes sense that we need evidence to you know when I say evidence, more so, we need information and data about, like, how do we work, why? Why is it that when my heart pounds like what's really happening and how do I regulate that? Like? Or how do I not Take back my ex when I know that they shouldn't? Like? That's learning again. Nervous system regulation, all the things like do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

Like, if you fully delve into yourself and realize that you, you are naturally Self-trusting because you are in control of yourself and we can, truly, we don't really need to trust things that we are in control. Oh, that is reserved for the things that are out of our control. But when we feel like we can't trust ourselves, though, that projects on to the rest of the world but the reason why we ever lose trust for ourselves is because, somewhere along the line, something we did when we were dysregulated and hurt has caused us pain and we didn't know why we did it and we kept doing it, and now we just expect ourselves to do that again. So I'm just here to remind you that you're ready to trust, and trust does not mean Sacrificing your boundaries. It doesn't mean letting people walk all over you or take advantage of you. You know, to trust other people and to trust the universe is just creating an open space when, where other people have a space to actually repair trust or build trust, that you are not dependent and and your wellness is not determined by someone else's behavior, of whether or not they will portray you, because ultimate self-trust comes from you realizing that, well, everything is about you and if you can trust yourself and and realize that you do that by being that, by remembering that you are in control of one thing, which is you, and that if you're struggling with that control, it's just a matter of building skills that you might not have yet, such as nervous system regulation, that that's all it takes, and that trust and the universe and manifestation and spirituality, and like Healing and the nervous system like these all link, because we're not just spiritual beings having a human experience, we are also human beings, and so we need both parts, and that means we need to. Most importantly, we need to trust in the unknown, because blessings come not from a place of certainty. Every manifestation that you want, that you desire, by the way, it's the opposite of something that's certain. It's something you've never experienced. It is absolutely the unknown, and so that's how you do it. You don't need the evidence anymore, you just trust. You just recognize that trust is a space between you and the things in the world that you are in no control of, and that it doesn't mean sacrificing yourself, it doesn't mean betraying yourself. It just means that you trust yourself enough to be able to handle whatever the things outside of your control Due to you, because you trust in your response and your ability to move through things with ease and confidence and grace, and that maybe this is your sign to trust in the universe, to let go, because we can't surrender and Receive the things that we want from a place of needing evidence, aka not trusting. So I hope you enjoy this episode, sending you so much love.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the new energy of season 3 of the hot genius Podcast. I just forgot the name of the podcast. Thank you so much for being here. If you have any questions, please DM me on Instagram at Christina Madafari. I'd love to have a chat. There's any Episode topics that you would like me to discuss? I'd love to hear it as well. If there's someone who you know will benefit from this episode, please send it to them. I have a feeling that they would really appreciate it, because sometimes people's love languages is simply sending podcasts and if it's not, I think you should start making that your love language, right. All right, so much love until next time. Bye you.

The Power of Trust in Manifestation
The Importance of Trust and Self-Control