The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🏃🏽‍♀️ Your self-motivated era

February 27, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 3 Episode 29
🏃🏽‍♀️ Your self-motivated era
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🏃🏽‍♀️ Your self-motivated era
Feb 27, 2024 Season 3 Episode 29
Christina Modaffari

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This isn't your average motivational pep talk; it's a practical blueprint for anyone looking to get the ball rolling on their aspirations, whether it's lacing up for a marathon or launching the next big startup. You'll learn the essentials for kickstarting any ambition without the need to become an overnight savant. Plus, we delve into the 'why' behind your goals, showcasing how an understanding of the benefits—think better health or a stronger business model—can amplify your determination. Wrapping up the episode is a potent reminder that the path to transformation lies in embracing the hurdles, a principle I've personally found revolutionary for my mental health. So, if you're ready to reshape your outlook on motivation and discipline, tune in—because this discussion promises to light a fire that lasts.

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This isn't your average motivational pep talk; it's a practical blueprint for anyone looking to get the ball rolling on their aspirations, whether it's lacing up for a marathon or launching the next big startup. You'll learn the essentials for kickstarting any ambition without the need to become an overnight savant. Plus, we delve into the 'why' behind your goals, showcasing how an understanding of the benefits—think better health or a stronger business model—can amplify your determination. Wrapping up the episode is a potent reminder that the path to transformation lies in embracing the hurdles, a principle I've personally found revolutionary for my mental health. So, if you're ready to reshape your outlook on motivation and discipline, tune in—because this discussion promises to light a fire that lasts.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Hot Genius podcast. As always, I'm your host, christina Modafari, and I am so excited to get into today's episode. Are you excited or what, like? I don't know about you, but I feel like the new energy of this season is just such a vibe Look, it's all of I, but this season especially, you know, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Don't forget, as always, to tag myself or at Hot Genius Society on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening to this show, if you enjoy this show, share it with someone who you know will appreciate it as much as you. Let's build this community up. All right, I need your help Do it. Anyway, let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to talk about motivation in a way in which it is no fluffy bullshit. You know it is motivation that's going to stay with you forever. Wouldn't that be nice? Imagine what could change for you if you could become motivated, regardless of what's going on in your life. Like, I really want you to take a moment to really hear me. What could change for you, what could be possible for you, if motivation was no longer an issue for you? Would you finally go after that career that you have been avoiding? Would you go after that relationship? Would you finally write that book? Would you finally start that business? Would you upgrade your business? Would you? What would you do? What can you do with that? How much is motivation, or the lack thereof, holding you back in your life? And I want you to keep reflecting on that question as we go through today's episode, because today I'm going to share with you the formula in how you'll never, ever have a problem with motivation again, okay. So when I said this is exciting, all right, I really meant it. So let's get into the nitty gritty of all of this, okay. So let me just frame all of this with the simple formula, and then we're going to break it down and we're going to make it so applicable that you feel like you can do something with this episode yesterday. Okay, you're going to be able to apply it immediately.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and it's that I want to give the framework first. The framework is this To have sustainable motivation. Okay, is to look at motivation as two parts. Part one is a short term, okay, and part two is the long term motivation. So short term motivation is literally the equivalent of, I'd say, you know, when you have a spark and you light the fire up. Okay, if you've got, if you are a flame, and the lighter motivation is the flame itself going from having no spark to having a flame. That's motivation. That's the short term part Now, long term part of motivation, though you can't just rely on that flame. That's why I'm inviting you to truly start to see motivation as these two parts. So let me break this down for you.

Speaker 1:

The flame part of it. So the actual literal motivation, and how I would describe this, is the literal feeling of feeling motivated. It's you feeling like doing the thing. For example, let's say you want motivation to become someone who works out every single day. Okay, the flame, so to speak, is you feeling fired up and no pun intended, where you have the emotion of desire, strong desire and passion to do it. That it's effortless and that's what we all want, isn't it? Unfortunately, if you just rely on this, then that flame will eventually blow out. So the second part of motivation is actually discipline, and discipline is our ability to turn that flame back on on demand, no matter what. Do you see the difference here? Do you see why there's these two parts?

Speaker 1:

A lot of the time, people live for that flame and they don't have the power or control to get that flame up. It's usually sparked from, maybe, a motivational speaker, or maybe they see a really cool video of before and after of someone. Like yes, oh my God, I feel that I want to be like that person. Yes, the flame comes on, and then naturally, the flame goes out and that person did three days of a workout going back to that same example, will stick to the same example for the sake of this episode. And then they're like, fuck, what's wrong with me? I had the motivation. Now I lost it. Oh my God, shit, how long is it going to take before I feel like I'm like that again? Oh my God, oh my God, do you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

Like they go through that cycle and then they go and see another person and they start, you know, falling into the, I guess, personal development and motivation trap you know what I mean when they're constantly now trying to find motivation from a place outside of them and then they're in a cycle and then they eventually go well, fuck, maybe I'm just not a motivated person, maybe it's a me thing, maybe it's ADHD, maybe it's this and that you know. And it's like, wait a second, wait a second, like, let me just be clear. I am diagnosed ADHD and I am not medicated, and I am quite literally the most motivated person I've ever met in real life ever Like I'm I still, and not that this is a competition. Okay, I would love to find someone more motivated than me, but I'm just speaking facts right now, like based on who I know. I do not know anyone more motivated than me and I have ADHD once again, and I'm not medicated. So that's that should say something.

Speaker 1:

I'm sharing this with you, obviously to share and prove a point here that this is that powerful that even the textbooks are wrong. I'm outsmarting the textbooks here because the textbooks, so to speak, say that people with ADHD struggle with motivation. That's nice. I don't All that I do, but I know how to not let it affect me. I know how to be greater than that problem, that it's no longer a problem, and if it ever is a problem, I'm so in control that I know how to immediately fix that problem. Do you know what I'm saying? And this is not about ADHD. I'm just giving you that as an example, because that is someone who struggles the most, usually, like medically speaking. So if you don't have it amazing. This is gonna be awesome, so much easier for you. If you do have it, this will still work for you.

Speaker 1:

And so, as I was saying, is that people go through that trap and then they start self-diagnosing, and then they start making it mean something bad about them and they start creating this identity around I'm just not a disciplined person or I'm just not a motivated person. What do you mean? No, instead, instead. Instead. Instead. It's about truly understanding how that flame lights up to begin with, aka how that burst of motivation, the emotion of motivation, actually is created in the body, and how do we turn it back on forever, on demand, whenever we want, no matter what's happening. That's the real question and that's what we're gonna continue to deep dive, deep dive in. And so let's start with the flame. Now, I learned this.

Speaker 1:

I first was introduced to this from Jim Quick in his book A Limitless. Oh, my god. If you haven't read it, please go get that book. If you're really into tapping into human potential, I really recommend that book. Anyway, I was first introduced to this concept when he was referencing research surrounding motivation, and we're gonna use that framework. I love it, but then I'm gonna give you my take on it and whatever else In what this concept explains is that there needs to be four parts, four bits of criteria met in order for a person to feel motivated.

Speaker 1:

The first part is they need to have all the information required to do the thing. The second part is they need to have all the skills to complete the thing. Number three is they need to have the passion and desire to complete the thing and, lastly, they need to know the reason why they are completing the thing. And if you want to take this a step further, I want you right now to make this a very fun 5D experience, as I always say, and I want you to think about something in your life that you have always struggled with with in regards to staying motivated towards, and I want you to use that as your case study as I walk you through these steps. I want you to apply it. So I'll give you a moment and I'll also give you some ideas to spark up your memory, just in case you're, you know, just mentally exhausted.

Speaker 1:

Let me just make this easier for you. Maybe it's something it maybe you've always wanted to become vegan and, like you, just never last more than a week. Maybe that's the thing for you that you struggled with motivation. Maybe it's losing weight, maybe it's getting on becoming someone who works out of the gym consistently, or maybe it is finally learning the guitar, maybe it's learning a new language, maybe it's starting a business content creation. Whatever it is, I want you to think about it and I'm hoping that you have it already in your mind. If you don't, you know what to do. Just pause me. Okay, amazing, hold that thing in your mind, the forefront of your mind, that thing that you truly like. If you could be motivated in this for the rest of your life would change everything for you. That's the one I want you to have in your mind.

Speaker 1:

Now, going back to those four parts, let me add my thoughts to it and the way that I teach my students in the sim Academy. The sim Academy is it just stands for self-image mastery Academy. It's like my signature program where, like I teach how people can create the most strongest, most solid self-image so that they become the most confident versions of themselves, so magnetic, so influential like that's what I'm talking about. If I ever a third-ish sim Academy, anyway, I teach them this as well as the students in there, and I'm already seeing so many results, and this is something that I've really freshly taught them, and what this is is keep that thing in your mind. Number one we're going back to the four parts, right, number one.

Speaker 1:

So let's say we're going to use example. Let's say you would love to be someone who works out consistently, like you want to be a Jim Junkie or something like you want to be fit as fuck. Right, and the first thing is info. So if you're struggling with motivation towards being fit, then you need to ask yourself, at a 10, how much information? Do you have enough information in order to be someone who is fit? Let's say 10 means you know more than enough to get you going to be a fit person. That looks like you know. You know about diet, the healthy diet. You know about proteins. You know about fats. You know about carbs. You know about, you know how to balance all that. You know how to say meal prep. You know how to use the weights in the gym like. You know what you need to know.

Speaker 1:

Now, this part of the equation usually relates to knowing the ingredients to complete the task. So in this case, again, if you want to become fit, okay, do you know? What you don't know, essentially, is what I'm saying here. Do you know what is required of a fit person? Because let me tell you something really quickly so many people think they know, when they don't, and that ego around thinking they know everything and their ego of not wanting to admit that they are beginner, that they are human, they gotta start somewhere and that they gotta meet themselves where they're at, is actually the reason why they're not motivated. By the way, because, remember, if you do not have all the information you need to complete the task, you do not have the skills to complete the task, you don't have the desire to complete the task and you don't have the reason of why you're completing the task in the first place. You have no motivation. I really hear that. And if your ego is too busy going on, but I do know how, of course I know how to be fit. I just gotta do this, this and that. Well, maybe you don't, or maybe you do and maybe you don't have the other parts. So let's move on to the second one. But before we do, I really want you to consider right now in your mind do you have enough information of what to do in order to complete this task or new habit.

Speaker 1:

The next one skills. I like to add skills and tools, because it's not just skills, in my opinion. For example, if we go back to the same one of wanting to be a fit person, wanting to be someone who works that consistently, whatever, whatever do you have the skills of pushups? Do you know how to do a pushup? Do you know the proper form to lift weights? Do you know how? The skills, the literal skills, of meal prepping do you have the literal skills of how to run properly, how to hold your posture properly? Do you know these skills? Ask yourself, but, for your thing, if the thing you have in your mind is taking your business to the next level or starting a business from scratch, what this could look like is, well, if you go back to the first one, the information, do you know what's required of someone to have a business? And if you do, you kick that box amazing.

Speaker 1:

Do you now know? Do you actually have the skills needed to execute the things required in the business? You know, as an example do you know bookkeeping? Do you even know what a bookkeeper does? Do you know that accountants are needed to run a business? Do you know about tax. Do you know about goods and services tax? You know GST If you're from Australia. Do you know about the legalities required? Do you know that you need certain insurance policies? Do you know about these things? Do you have these things? Do you know how to seek out a lawyer? That's good for you and your business and your goals.

Speaker 1:

Do you know that you need to have graphics done? Do you know what a brand is? Do you get what I'm saying? Do you know what you need to know and do you have the skills required to do the thing? That's the second one. The third one do you have the desire to do the thing? Now, this one's a very tricky one, because if you do genuinely want to do the thing, so if you genuinely, authentically want to be a fit person, then you will naturally have the desire when you have the information required and you have the skills required and you have the reason why you wanna do it, which is the last one. But if you let's pretend that you have all the information you need to get started for the thing, you have all the skills required or you're building the skills you know what skills that you're constantly working on. This does not mean perfectionism. I mean, are you working towards learning body form and how to cook properly and all the things like whatever it is for you?

Speaker 1:

And then let's say you find out the reason why you're doing this, like you wanna live as long as possible and you wanna feel good every day. Usually, if this is an authentic desire, like something that's what you truly want, then the desire would naturally just skyrocket up high. Naturally, absolutely naturally. It's when you have all those parts or that criteria met. You have all the information, you have all the tools, you have all the skills. You have the reason why you're doing this in the first place. If your desire doesn't come up and the truth is, there's a chance you might not even wanna do this thing in the first place, you know, and so that's something else worth considering. And the last thing, as we've gone over already, is why are you doing this? Why is this important to you? That's what the concept is for. You know, according to the research.

Speaker 1:

But the way I look at this I take it a step further is what are the benefits to doing the thing you wanna do? Do you know them? On a visceral level, for example, being fit, maybe the reason that you haven't stated out loud or written down on a piece of paper. You know, maybe that's the missing piece of your puzzle and maybe for you, it's because you want to feel good every single day. You don't ever wanna lose your energy again like you wanna be able to lift whatever you want whenever you want. You wanna be glowing from the inside out. You wanna feel like you love yourself so damn much. Maybe that's the reason, and maybe the benefits of being fit is that you lower your blood pressure. Maybe the benefits of being fit is that you can have longer sex. You maybe for you, that can mean that you can have better sleep. Do you have, and are you aware and have you listed the benefits of doing the thing that you're struggling to feel motivated towards Right? And so, if you have, if, now that we know all of this, we know the criteria, I want to use this as an opportunity, and what that opportunity is is that if you are truly able to see the thing that you've been struggling with from this objective lens, then it's going to literally change your life. And let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

When I was teaching this the first time, I one of the students who was live in the class. I asked him this question. I said, now that you look at this, we did a whole analysis in that class. I got them to. It was a whole thing, like I got them to rate at a 10 where they put themselves in each of those four categories and whatever else, and they noticed, well, shit, like you know, no wonder why I don't feel motivated. These are the ingredients to motivation. I'm a five here, I'm a six out of 10 here, I'm a two out of 10 here and whatever, whatever they're like.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, that makes so much sense and I said okay, now that you know this, has this made it easier for you to forgive yourself? And they're like yes, because, just like this student and many other people, would you believe me if I told you that not being able to see, not being able to be consistent and motivated and committed to doing the things that are important to them, can really, really really impact someone's ability to love themselves? And that's why I asked him is it easier for you to forgive yourself? Is it easier for you to love yourself now that you see this objectively and you stop making it mean something about you, you stop saying, oh, I'm just not a motivated person, I'm just not who I am. Now that you sit on paper and the numbers make sense and you stopped again, you stopped being taken this personally, is it easier? They said yes, of course it is, because once again, this is not about you.

Speaker 1:

This is mathematical. Really, hear me, your motivational levels are mathematical. They are not a sign of your incompetence. They are not a sign or a signal for your willpower. It is mathematical. And if you can do this analysis within yourself for anything in life that you're trying to do, you will always be in control.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you an example. Going back to that example of, say, let's say you really want to be a fit person, like. You've wanted that for like forever and no matter how you try, no matter what programs you did, no matter what PTs you hired, you just never could really get to that level that you wanted to get to. And let's say you went and did that analysis right now you asked yourself out of 10, okay, do I have all the information that's required for me to be a fit person or to start anyway? And let's say you wrote five. And then let's say you asked yourself okay, do. I have all the skills and tools required to be fit person. And you write yourself a four Because you're like, hmm, I actually have no idea how to lift weights properly. I don't know what a deadlift is, or maybe you don't have a workout mat at home that's going to make it easy on your back, because maybe you have a bit of a back problem and like you don't want to lift the wrong way.

Speaker 1:

And you write yourself a five. And maybe when you ask yourself about desire, you're like, yeah, I've got a nine there. You're like, oh, okay, that makes sense. And then you look at the last one out of 10, what are you rate yourself with how much? You know why you're doing this in the first place. And you're like, fuck, I've never asked myself why I want to be a fit person ever. I don't even know why. Like, obviously know it intuitively, I just don't really know it. I've never heard myself say it, I've never thought about it, I just thought that it's just enough to just do the thing. And you're like, fuck, I'm going to rate myself a two out of 10 there.

Speaker 1:

And you look at these results and you're telling you that you're in control. It's because you are, because if you see that you've got a five out of 10 for how much information you need to execute becoming a fit person, guess what we got to do is fill that up till you get to a 10. Go and hire a fitness coach to tell you what you need to know. Go and buy a program. Go and read a book for 20 bucks. Go and watch 20 YouTube videos. Google everything I need to know to become fit. That's all it takes. You're probably 10 minutes away. Sometimes you could be 10 minutes away. You could be one week away. Who cares? You're in control now. And then let's say it comes to the skills and the tools, and you're like I'm five out of 10 here as well. Okay, freakin' YouTube how to lift a dead weight, proper posture, the tools required to become someone who knows how to milk prep, basics of nutrition Google it. Google it. Find a coach, do what you got to do. Either way, you're in control now. You know what you need to know.

Speaker 1:

Because if you don't know what you don't know, like, really hint me. Let me say it again If you don't know what you don't know, you are ignorant, you are in your ego. I'm not saying that to hurt you. I'm saying that to empower you, because if you're affected by the Danny Kruger effect, which, in psychology, is just the concept that states that you know, generally speaking, that usually people who aren't experts feel like an expert and the people who are actually experts feel like they're not, because the reason why that happens is because the truth is, if you really know your shit on any topic, you should feel like you don't know everything, because in your pursuit of learning about a certain topic or subject, you will realize just how much there is to know and, of course, when you compare what you know to all there is to know, you're going to feel like you're not an expert. Amazing, and that's how you should know that you've arrived at the point that you need to be.

Speaker 1:

But if you feel like you know everything about a topic when your life is not matching that, like if you want to pretend that you know all that you need to know to become fit and healthy, yet you are not fit and healthy then you need to check yourself Right. This is where the ego work comes in. Be aware of that ego that's trying to protect you. You know what I mean, because if you can own that, you are in control. Do you think you're ever going to get those numbers to a 10 out of 10 if you pretend that you're at a 10 when you're at a 5? Absolutely not. And what happens when you don't get yourself to a 10?, figuratively speaking and literally, well, you're going to have no motivation. And if you do ever get motivation, it is very short lived. That flame will be a flicker and it will not be in your control. It will be by accident, from another person inspiring you for a two hour motivational speech which does not get you going for the rest of your life.

Speaker 1:

But this is how you can take control of your motivation. And we've only arrived to the short part, because the long part is a much shorter explanation. The fucking irony, right? The short term was like taking up 20 minutes of this episode and the last part, the last part of motivation and specifically how to be motivated forever for anything, no matter what. Like, really hear me, no matter what. I guarantee you, if you apply this formula that I'm sharing with you, that some people pay lots of dollars for that. I'm just given to you because I love you, because you're part of the community. All right, if you can apply this formula of one part short term motivation and in one part discipline, you will never have a problem with motivation again, no matter who you are, no matter your past, no matter anything that comes up in the future, you will always be in control and it will be 20,000 times easier to love yourself. It will be 20 times easier to be confident in yourself because you will have this awareness. You will have this formula. So you know the short term part. You know how to get the flame going.

Speaker 1:

So, once again, if you get 10 out of 10 for all the information that you need to know and when I say information, please do not misunderstand me. I'm not saying to be perfectionist and you need to know every single thing, like, let's say, if you want to become fit, I'm not saying to do a freaking four year degree in nutrition or become a dietitian and then go and become a physical therapist. I'm not saying that. Okay, I'm not saying that at all. What 10 out of 10 is is just enough to get you going, meaning what that looks like in the fitness context would be you know what you don't know, which means you know that you need to eventually be aware of your body clock. You need to be aware of a good posture. Learn how to develop a good posture. You need to know about routines. You need to learn about mindset. You know like. This is what I mean by information required. That's all you need to know.

Speaker 1:

The best way to describe is that you just need to know the recipe to the habit or task that you're trying to cook up. If you're trying to cook up, so to speak, to become a fit person, I'm just saying that. First criteria, you just need to know the ingredients. You don't know. You don't need to know what the ingredients are. You don't need to know the fricking origins of the species of that ingredient. None of that. You just need to know. That's it. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So the most important things in this context would be you just need to understand that there needs to be insurance as legalities. You need to understand that, what a bookkeeper is and the importance of that, and then you need to understand the taxes. You need to understand that there's branding, what is branding, that it's not just logos. You need to understand and know your options regarding graphic design. You need to understand what industry like you don't have to literally know the answers of. You know. You don't need to be an expert on everything. You just need to be aware of the ingredients required to cook up the meal in which you're trying to cook up.

Speaker 1:

In this case, what habit or task are you trying to complete? You just need to know what's involved. And number two is that from. Number two plays on number one, remember it's well, now that you know what you don't know, what you need to eventually know, it will naturally link to the skills You'll be able to go. Okay, I need to learn how to become and have a very solid mindset. Oh, okay, that gives me power, because now I can just listen to mindset stuff. Oh, I need to understand. I need to find a good lawyer or whatever. Okay, that, this is something that I can just look up. I can speak to my business friends and I can see what they have to say. I can even pay someone a hundred bucks just to ask them questions for half an hour. Sweet, that's going to save me time. Cool, you just. This is what I mean by 10 out of 10.

Speaker 1:

It's not about being a fucking expert in every single topic, but you do need to know the framework of everything that you're doing. You can't go in blind. You can. You're just not going to have any motivation. And remember the flame part of this. The first part of motivation is the literal feeling. Now we can go to the second part, the not so fun part, but the most important piece of this puzzle. You cannot have one without the other. You really can't. You can with short-term tasks like doing the dishes or with, you know, maybe decluttering your home even, but in terms of building, you know, let's say, building a business or becoming a fit person, it's not enough to just have the flame. You need to now add the second part, which is the long-term part of motivation, which is discipline.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this means that now that you've got the flame up, let's use the example of you're trying to be fit. Let's say you've got the flame up, you're on a roll you know what I'm saying Like you've been doing good Every day. You've been showing up, you've been working out. You look, you're checking yourself out a bit. You know what I mean. You're really starting to feel yourself and you're feeling different. But then, six days, in seven days, in eight days in, you start to lose that flame, which most definitely will happen. It will probably happen within two to three weeks on average.

Speaker 1:

I call it the three week shit show is when change, when you've been doing something consistently and your body and your brain is like nah, this is new, we're getting good at this, let's sabotage, blah, blah, blah, blah and that's why people fall back. So this is why discipline is incredibly important, because if you can understand that, every time really hear me, really hear me Every single time you feel like giving up is where your work is. Your work to truly achieve the thing that you are trying to achieve does not happen during moments of feeling the flame of motivation. It happens when that flame goes away. That is the work, and every single time you lean into this feeling and you stop taking it as a sign that you failed and you see it for what it really is, which is nothing more than your brain signalling to you that what you're doing is working, but it's scared, because your brain will always register the unknown and the unfamiliar as dangerous, and that is where your work is. If you know this, this can change your life. I don't think you understand that what I'm sharing with you saved my life. Okay, it saved my life.

Speaker 1:

What I'm teaching you this formula is no fucking joke, because for me at the time of when, how I accidentally created this formula obviously it was inspired by many different sources and refined over time was that it wasn't fitness at first. It eventually became that more so in the health section. For me, it was my mental health. My mental health. If you know me, you know my story. I wasn't always this happy, positive person. I had clinical depression. I had PTSD. I had physical health issues. I was overweight. I was just a massive mess.

Speaker 1:

Okay, imagine if I, when I felt like giving up, I did. I wouldn't be here today. I really wouldn't. And if I was, I wouldn't be doing what I love every single day, I wouldn't be having this podcast, I wouldn't know what I know, I wouldn't be impacting the people that I'm impacting today. I wouldn't be living my purpose. And that's not. You know this. This literally saved my life because when it got hard and obviously it took a long time for me to master this because I didn't have the formula At the time it was it was created through that experience but I leaned into it and I said, okay, I feel like giving up.

Speaker 1:

This is my work. Who do I have to become in order to actually make this work. Oh, I literally just needed to become someone who's less stubborn, cool. And then two weeks later, the flame went away again. I felt like giving up. Natural, I didn't make it mean anything. I said, cool, well, who do I need to become? What do I need to learn? What do I need to adjust? And I kept going, I kept going and then I actually I recovered from mental illnesses that, again, textbooks say you can't recover from that. I fucking did, with no medication. That's how I discovered it. And then I used that to transform my health. I use that to become a vegan as well. I use that to transform my body image. I used to have fucked up body dysmorphia. I use it for that. I use this for everything in my life, everything.

Speaker 1:

Because if we can't truly apply the second part of the motivation formula, which is discipline, the short way to put it is discipline. But what I'm really saying is that you will feel like giving up your flame. Your motivation flame will go out, and that's where your work is. Your work is not when everything feels good. Your work is not when the flame is on. You cannot become the person you need to become without that natural, inevitable resistance, the same way, your muscle cannot literally be developed and formed without resistance and a breaking downness of that muscle. Right, it is no different to character. It is no different to achieving a task, no matter how mundane, no matter how grand. This can be applied to fricking showering. This can be applied to being someone who shapes their legs every week, or being someone who does the dishes Like legit. This can be applied to everything and anything, and all you gotta do is apply the formula.

Speaker 1:

So let's wrap up this episode by sharing once again the framework. Understand that motivation contains two parts. The first part is a short term part of the motivation equation, which is the equivalent to a human disanalogy of a flame. If you are a lighter, someone of no motivation has no spark, has no flame. Short term motivation is the ability to know how to turn that flame on to begin with. And then the second part of this formula is what do you do when that flame dies down a little bit or goes out temporarily? What do you do? It's discipline, it's realizing that when that flame goes out, it's a cue, it's a signal that you just arrived to the next level, that if your life was a video game every single time, please listen here.

Speaker 1:

Every single time you feel like giving up on the project, task or lifestyle change that you're trying to create is just you moving up to the next level. You clocked level one, flame goes out. You clock level two, flame goes out and all you gotta do is do the work, because when you feel like giving up and that flame goes out, you have just arrived to the end of the next level and you just need to adjust. You need to lean into that uncomfortable feeling. You need to do some ego work, you need to do some shadow work in that moment, or maybe you need to stop lying to yourself about something, or maybe you need to make a little bit of a refinement or an adjustment. Whatever it means for you to lean in to when that flame goes out, so you can clock your next level. Do that, and if you can do this, you will be motivated for anything that you desire for the rest of your life and no one could ever take that away from you again. And eventually that flame that flame will naturally just shine so bright and it will become effortless. It will Because that flame guess what the best part is? It works like a muscle. The better it gets, the better it gets. The more you use it, the stronger it gets.

Speaker 1:

So I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please share with me how you go with applying this formula. Share with me what you're going to apply this to. What are you most excited about? Are you going to finally start that business? Are you now going to become fit as fuck? Are you going to learn a new language? What is it for you? Tag me on Instagram at Christina Montefari and tag the podcast at HotDenialSociety. Dm me, slide into my DMs. I love getting to know you. Share it with me and share this episode with someone who you know is going to benefit from it, and I'll see you next week. Bye.

The Formula for Sustainable Motivation
The Motivation Equation
Building Motivation and Discipline Formula