The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🌟 Become your higher self

April 02, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 3 Episode 34
🌟 Become your higher self
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🌟 Become your higher self
Apr 02, 2024 Season 3 Episode 34
Christina Modaffari

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Our conversation will take you on a journey where embracing imperfection isn't just encouraged—it's celebrated. The roadmap to your higher self is entwined with self-love and confidence, and contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with chasing the elusive phantom of perfection. By understanding that our power emerges from the unique blend of our individual quirks and universal wisdom, you'll learn why embodying your higher self is like using the internet: you need the connection (intuition), but the content (your authenticity) is what truly matters.

Grasping the difference between anxiety—a fear-based response—and the clear, guiding voice of intuition, is pivotal in charting a course that aligns with our most authentic journey. Be prepared for an unfiltered look at the emotional landscape that shapes our decisions, as we unravel misconceptions and escape the trap of binary thinking. Join us in shedding light on the nuanced paths that lead to a more aligned, genuine expression of who we are.

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Our conversation will take you on a journey where embracing imperfection isn't just encouraged—it's celebrated. The roadmap to your higher self is entwined with self-love and confidence, and contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with chasing the elusive phantom of perfection. By understanding that our power emerges from the unique blend of our individual quirks and universal wisdom, you'll learn why embodying your higher self is like using the internet: you need the connection (intuition), but the content (your authenticity) is what truly matters.

Grasping the difference between anxiety—a fear-based response—and the clear, guiding voice of intuition, is pivotal in charting a course that aligns with our most authentic journey. Be prepared for an unfiltered look at the emotional landscape that shapes our decisions, as we unravel misconceptions and escape the trap of binary thinking. Join us in shedding light on the nuanced paths that lead to a more aligned, genuine expression of who we are.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. So this episode is called Becoming your Higher Self, and we have so many things to cover during today's chat, and so let's actually just get straight into it. And how I want to begin this episode is to help us first actually define what a higher self is, because I do notice that there's a lot of, I guess, ambiguity around this topic, which is, you know, understandable. However, I do find that this can cause so much confusion. I define your higher self embodied is the combination of your authentic self plus your intuition. It is not just your intuition, because if you were just your intuition, you'd have absolutely no personality, because everyone's intuition actually comes from the same source, and so I kind of want you to think of it like our intuition is our spiritual Wi-Fi, and there's only one, you know, main Wi-Fi, and everyone's connected to the web, you could say.

Speaker 1:

And if you are connecting to your intuition, you are having access, you're gaining access to wisdom that is so much more advanced than I'd say, like what a human would normally have access to, limiting you know themselves to simply the brain and logic and experience, and that's why, when someone can experience or share some sort of a wisdom with another person. That's so advanced that sometimes it doesn't even make a logical sense. It's because it's transcending them as simply a human with a mind, with experiences. It's accessing something that's greater than them. Um, you can call that god, you can call that your highest self, you can call it intuition, spirit, like people have a lot of different names for this, but, all in all, the most important part is to understand that we all come from that same wi-fi, and if we can understand that we come from this wi-fi, and if we all come from the same place, that means that if you were to embody your higher self, then it doesn't make sense that it is just your intuition, because if that was the case, you can imagine if everyone on the planet was embodying their intuition, everyone would literally be the exact same person, and that doesn't make any sense, right? Because our power comes from our individuality and our uniqueness, and so that's why I believe that your higher self embodied is the combination of your authentic self and your intuition.

Speaker 1:

And when it comes to you know your authentic self again very ambiguous, so many different meanings out there, but the best way that I like to define it is essentially like who you are or what comes out of you when you completely love yourself, when you feel confident in who you are, when you don't care if anyone rejects you, whatever comes out of you, when you're in that state of not giving a fuckness, that is your authentic self. And you can see then that being your authentic self is not necessarily being your perfect self, and what I mean by that is like, a lot of the time, someone's authentic self. If you actually were to analyze it, you'll notice a very interesting pattern of people who are very authentic. Most of the time they're not necessarily perfect. You know. They have a very strong opinion on something. Sometimes there's a sense of maybe a certain humor that they have. There might be a bit outspoken, they might even have, you know, what most people would consider flaws that come out that they just own. And it's really important that we understand that, because I think that the biggest issue that I find that people have when it comes down to the road of anything along the lines of, you know, being loving themselves or them being their best self, or them healing or authentic, like all of these words, like there's so many ways you could really describe it, but you get my point. They people naturally think that that means that it means you're perfect. And I say that that is the most inaccurate thing ever and it's the biggest reason why people struggle to actually embody their higher self or their authentic self, because they are misguided and misled into believing that accurate thing ever. And it's the biggest reason why people struggle to actually embody their higher self or their authentic self because they are misguided and misled into believing that they're perfect.

Speaker 1:

Now, the only thing that's perfect on this planet is our intuition. But if you go back to what I was saying earlier, well, our intuition, it's the same. Your intuition and mine come from the same source. They are the same, we just all have access to it, right, and mine come from the same source. They are the same, they, we just all have access to it, right. Um, just like an actual, you know computer, and then connecting itself to the, to the internet or the wifi or whatever. I'm not a fucking IT expert, but you get my point.

Speaker 1:

Um, it's like we don't have I don't have a different website, I'm not website. I don't have a different internet, you know sort of world than you do. No, we, literally every time, you and I, we can be in different parts of the world using two different kinds of laptops. If we connect to the internet via Wi-Fi or whatever else, it is the same thing. We're connecting to the exact same thing, yeah, and so I'm using that as an analogy to help us really understand the depth of this. Because if we don't realize that that part of us that wants to be perfect is just us, I guess, subconsciously, trying to align with our intuition, and if you're trying to become just your intuition, you will lose yourself, because who you really are isn't in the intuition.

Speaker 1:

The same way, your greatest work, um, if you literally were on your laptop or your computer, doesn't, doesn't come from the internet. It's you the person controlling, um, how you use the internet. It is the person typing. You know the buttons and the keys on your computer. It's the person utilizing the internet and the Wi-Fi. That's the uniqueness, that's you, that's the authentic part.

Speaker 1:

And, just like if you were trying to create something without the internet, while you're on your computer, you're quite limited, right? Just think back to, like before we had Wi-Fi, when we had dial-up, and even before then, right, it's like there's only so much you can do, like I used to play solitaire and spider solitaire before, internet was a thing like a big thing, just as an example, and as much as that's amazing and this analogy having no access to the internet is the, I guess, the equivalent of you being just your authentic self without connecting to your intuition. It's still awesome, but it can't get you as far as you'd want to go at the quality that you want, at the speed that you want. The same way, connecting to the internet provides you. Same way the connection to your intuition provides you, right, and so it's really, really essential for us to truly get our understanding very clear with this concept and understanding that, yeah, and I believe that when we can truly combine the two and realize, okay, my higher self is actually not perfect. In fact, if I ever want to be perfect or if ever, in a sense, become perfect, I'm not being myself, I'll lose myself because who I am is like I'm not my intuition.

Speaker 1:

Intuition is just my Wi-Fi, so to speak. It's this guide that I have, that's built within me and that's built within you, that's built within my neighbor. It's just. Everyone's got access to it, equally right, and so it's just a matter of the authentic self, which is where your personality comes in. Who actually is in charge of whether or not you even decide to connect to your intuition, or decide to connect to the spiritual internet, so to speak. That's on you, that's your choice, that's where your willpower comes in.

Speaker 1:

And so, being perfect, I understand that in theory, we all know that that's not something we want to strive to be. I understand that in theory, we all know that that's not something we want to strive to be. However, 99% of our mind is in our subconscious, and our subconscious chances are based on society that we live in, based on generational trauma. It may trick us into believing, on some level, that being a higher self is perfect, and so, most of the time, you're going to have some sort of like a ick towards doing certain things that are anything along the lines of, I guess, being your higher self, or self-love, or being your authentic self, because, on some level, you intuitively know that you're going to lose yourself because your brain thinks it means perfect, and I'm here to tell you that that block will, like, yeah, instantly be lift off as soon as you fully own in your conscious mind that, oh okay, being my higher self is actually not being perfect. The only thing that needs to be perfect is my intuition. I don't really have to do anything with that, it's just perfect as a default setting.

Speaker 1:

We all have access to this, this part of us, it's the spiritual wi-fi, you could say, and who I am. My job is is just to simply be my authentic self. And in order for me to be my authentic self, it's just realizing that is the version of me that comes out when I don't care if other people approve of me or not. Your authentic self is what comes out of you when you feel fully confident in who you are. Your authentic self comes out of you when you feel so sexy that everyone's obsessed with you that, in those moments, that is where the authentic self comes out the most, because, while it's completely independent on other people and a lot of the time when someone struggles to be their authentic self, it's a hundred percent because of someone else.

Speaker 1:

In some way, it's either, again, fear of not being pretty enough, fear of not being good enough, fear of being disapproved, of rejected in some way, or disliked. And so being authentic self is not so much this thing that we have to like, add or necessarily even search for. It's simply just connecting to who we like, connecting to the part of us where we can get to a place where we literally don't care what anyone thinks of us and your authentic self will naturally just come out of you. It's not. Do you get what I mean? Like it's not something you have to like even build, for instance? It's there. It's there when you're born's not do you get what I mean? Like it's not something you have to like even build, for instance. It's there. It was there when you were born, it's there when you're 90, it's always there. And so this episode is.

Speaker 1:

So that's like the first part of the episode, and so the next thing I wanted to say like now that we understand like the combination of the two, or essentially like what higher self is, like the, the combination of being your authentic self plus your intuition let's actually dig a little bit deeper on each one, and then I'm going to share with you guys really cool things that you can actually start implementing either during the episode or straight after the episode, that you can actually start taking some tangible action towards it. And so we'll go back to the authentic self part, and we did touch on this a lot already in like the first segment of this episode. Um, but, just like I said, it's about understanding that your authentic self is not supposed to be perfect. Like I can't stress this part enough, and it's not also necessarily like this, I guess what do I say, like when I say perfect, by the way, that's very ambiguous in itself, like a lot of these words are so much left to interpretation, but I just want to be clear that that can be like you being someone who never judges anyone.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people think that if you are your higher self, you'll never judge another human again and you'll never get angry again and you'll never be sad again, and that's like very, very untrue. It's not true. Like if you have gotten to a point where you don't ever do anything, that's quote-unquote. What people think is like not not good or not conscious or something like that. Like you, unfortunately, are not being your higher self at all. You've accidentally, you know, built a spiritual ego which is one of the most dangerous, dangerous things ever. Um, that's for another episode, though, but essentially, like I just want it to be clear that your authentic self is not this version of you that you know never, never, ever, ever makes a mistake. Because it's just. I need this to be clear, not true.

Speaker 1:

Your authentic self sometimes can have a very, like I said, controversial opinion on something. It could be a leader in a certain thought or philosophy, like it's whatever comes out of you. Um, like, once again, that when you truly believe that you don't care about what other people think of you, where you don't care if someone like disagrees with you or rejects you or dislikes you, it's those moments where you feel so fucking confident in who you are, like that someone could literally say to you that they can't stand you and you can still feel completely neutral about it or it would hurt, but it doesn't hurt to you to a point where it destroys you and it makes you question who you are. It's just you being human and having a very healthy reaction to someone, maybe being cruel to you in some way, right, um, and there's like a lot of misconception around the whole idea, right of higher self and, um, your authentic self, where people once again like they go back to this concept of oh, you know, I thought you were spiritual or I thought you're someone who's very like conscious. How dare you, um, how dare you make that petty comment? Um, and whatever. And it's like I just want this to be drilled in all of our heads where it's like the truth, when it comes down to us enjoying life and being a conscious being and being someone who is kind, and all the things. It's actually the ownership of our shadows.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and so this is where, like, a lot of people avoid when it comes to doing the work, so to speak, they avoid the dirty side of self-love, or the dirty side of that's how I call it, what I call it anyway. But, yeah, like the dirty, the icky stuff that people usually think is icky, not truly understanding that that is actually where the power lies, that if we can actually own that, the law of polarity that with every good there is a quote, unquote people think is bad, but I don't consider that bad, but there is a part of us that has a bit of like, an animal side to us. You know, like, and it's not something to be ashamed of or to repress, it's something just to simply accept that this is actually a part of the human experience, because if you can actually, for example, accept that you have, you've had moments or you might still have moments where you are, let's say, feeling really judgmental towards a certain person or whatever else, when you can actually own that. That is just part of your human experience. You don't try to like get rid of it. You naturally do get rid of it by accident, because you're so accepting of it. You're not fighting it, you're not in resistance to it, so your natural reaction is just to be so loving. It's not something you have to force yourself into being, it's just something that naturally happens.

Speaker 1:

Whereas the irony comes where people who are actually like, very overtly judgmental or critical, for instance, believe it or not, they're the same people who are doing everything they can to pretend that they don't have that judgmental side of them in there, that they don't have this shadow part to them, to their personality. These people are the ones who actually are the most quote-unquote toxic. It's because they're trying so hard not to be, they're trying so hard to prove to themselves that they're not, and this strips people away from their authentic self. This completely strips them away as well from being their higher self, which I define once again as like the combination of who you are when you mix your authentic self and your intuition, and so some things that you can actually do that are practical in order to really get into the, I guess, knowing of what your authentic self is, because you want to get to know them. It's not about finding them, it's about getting to know them.

Speaker 1:

The same way, you sort of get to know I don't know like a new pair of shoes where you gotta wear it in a little bit. You gotta just you know what I mean like the more you wear it, the more you get used to it, the more you know like how, to, how much weight and pressure to put in each foot in order you know to keep to keep your posture up and whatever else. Probably like a really shitty example, but you get my point. It's just one of those things where you just literally just have to keep trying on until it becomes something that is very easy to access, and so the best way that I can like suggest you to try this and start implementing in your day-to-day life is simply that you know in any moment, like you can even try, like when you're talking to your friends, or you can try maybe creating a piece of content, you can try just when you are alone, like the possibilities are endless, but what you want to try to do is get yourself somehow into a state, something that you know that will make you feel incredibly confident. And so this is like more like a tool or some training wheels, something that you can do to train yourself into getting good at being your authentic self.

Speaker 1:

I'm not saying that putting on makeup, for instance, and doing your hair and wearing your favorite outfit and looking really hot and doing some affirmations that that's the only way to be authentic. More so that it's a tool because, let's be real, if you do look amazing and you feel confident in your skin, if that's the, that is the fastest way sometimes. Sometimes it's not enough, unfortunately, but it is one of the fastest ways, generally speaking, for us to feel good, feel hot, feel confident, and I want you to try things like that. Like, really do yourself up and you know it doesn't matter whether you're a chick or a dude, like, or whether anyone can wear makeup, but obviously if you're someone who doesn't wear makeup, that's fine. Like you still got to groom yourself. Like wear your best outfit guys. Like go and actually shave, I don't know. Like go to the barber. Like do what you got to do to feel hot. Okay, for you, it's not for anyone else, it's for you, because we want to utilize and take advantage of the tools that we have to get us into that state.

Speaker 1:

And then, when you feel confident, I want you just to start being, start talking and start getting to know yourself, analyze yourself as you speak, like what is different to when you're not feeling like that. Because this is going to create a baseline for you, an anchor, so that in your day-to-day life, when you start, you know, having conversation with someone and you say something that feels a bit weird, you can be like, oh, like that's not really my authentic self, that's the version of me that comes out when I feel uncomfortable, insecure in some way, and that's not really me. It's just what? Again, it's what comes out of me, that self-sabotage, self-protection part of me when I'm not feeling my best, and you start creating some sort of like a, a gauge and a sense of self-awareness that you become more in control of yourself and over time, becoming your authentic self becomes so easy because you're so aware of that baseline, you're so aware of the difference and how it feels to be your authentic self versus not being your authentic self, maybe putting on a persona. You know, because the truth is, it's absolutely impossible for you to be your authentic self if you feel insecure, like it's just it doesn't come out, because our survival mechanisms, the animal part of us, is gonna take over. It's gonna kick in, and when it kicks in, it's not really you, that's just the I guess protector in you, and you're not your protector. It's again, it's just one part of you. And so, yeah, yeah, that's the tangible thing that you can do to start getting to know your authentic self Once again. It's what comes out of you when you either feel fully confident in who you are, when you feel so sexy, when you just simply don't care if someone rejects you.

Speaker 1:

And I just want to actually link that to the reason why people actually tend to be more free and talkative and fun when they're drunk. It's because alcohol is depressant. Now, depressant doesn't always, by the way, mean that it makes you literally depressed. Depressant means like comes from the word depressed, which means to push down or slow down. Ok, and so when you drink alcohol, let's say you have anxiety when you're sober in your everyday life, drinking alcohol will just suppress the anxiety. So you are, on a technicality, now more confident because your brain is not and your body is not overthinking and feeling insecure, and so that's actually the reason why a lot of people? Not always. There's a lot of nuances to this, but that's actually the reason why a lot of people not always, there's a lot of nuances to this, but that's why, most of the time, generally speaking, people are happier and more themselves when they are drunk. And obviously this does not include when you over drink, this does not include when you drink when you are alone, and this doesn't include when you drink and you have chronic anxiety and it gives you a panic attack.

Speaker 1:

And I'm also not encouraging alcohol. What I'm just saying is that we all at least if we haven't ever drank in alcohol I assume most of us have at the very least have observed someone else drinking it and noticing a different kind of personality that comes out. And a lot of the time, the irony is that people think that when you're drunk, you're not being yourself, and I'm not going to say that's you being your authentic self. What I'm saying is that sometimes it is a little bit more authentic, believe it or not, than when you're sober and insecure and anxious as fuck. Yeah, because again, it's not a black and white thing, but it's just really useful to use that as a thinking tool, to be like oh, interesting, because, again, people usually think that when someone's drunk, it's like completely not them and it's like, no, I wouldn't say it's black and white, meaning it's not necessarily them or not them, but there is a part of them that they, that their anxiety is actually repressing when they're sober and it's now coming out, okay, it doesn't necessarily mean it's like authentic Cause.

Speaker 1:

Let me just be clear that when we're drunk, um, our traumas and shadows come out as well, you know. But what I'm saying is that it doesn't just bring out our shadows, it brings out the other parts as well, which is why you can meet someone when they're sober, right, and they come across rude and standoffish, and you get them a couple of drinks and all of a sudden they're friendly, right, it's because, well, when they're sober, they actually have a fear of being rejected, and so when they're drunk, that fear because it's a depressant um of being rejected is slowed down, so it's not as potent and so, naturally, they're going to be nicer because they're not afraid of being rejected. So that's just a really um, I think it's a really good tool to use as, like a thinking model, like, so you can start really seeing it from a different perspective. And so, now that we know a lot about the authentic self, the nuances to that, let's actually take a look at the intuition side of things. So a lot of the time, I find that people actually confuse intuition with anxiety, actually confuse intuition with anxiety, right, sort of like when you have a situation that's brought upon you and you're not sure which direction to take. Yeah, and look, this sometimes happens to me as well, by the way, but I mean, all in all, I do have a good grasp of it for the most part, but pretty much the difference is that when it's your fear, it actually feels very, I'd say, visceral, where there's like a physical shift in your body, where it's like it almost feels like a fortune teller has possessed you and has told you that something is going to happen or not going to happen. For example, let's say, you have a really awesome opportunity to get this new job that requires you to move to a new city, a city that you've always wanted to move to, but you don't know whether you want to take that job or not, and every time you think about taking this job, you feel like your heart beats fast, if you get a bit of a panic attack. That's very visceral. That's a very visceral response to something.

Speaker 1:

Now people think that that would mean, oh, my intuition's telling me, you know, my gut is telling me that I shouldn't take this job. And look, sometimes that that could be, that could be a coincidence, that your intuition also thinks that. Okay, but sometimes that's not true. And so if you can actually understand that sometimes your anxiety and your intuition actually agree, if you can understand this, this will change your whole life, because we need to take a step back and start letting go of this unhelpful psychological trap of believing that if something is right, the other is wrong. If this is left, this means right. And it's just not true. Life doesn't work like that, because once again, you could literally be having a panic attack about that new job, because the thought of leaving your friends and family and starting your life is literally scary, and also you're actually very happy with your current life. That could actually be. You know a thing.

Speaker 1:

But let's say you dealt with those fears, your intuition might actually still say don't move. Okay, like your life, like stay here. You're the best, the highest path for you is to stay exactly where you are. I know this is tempting, just don't take it. Your intuition might be doing that, but you can never, never, really trust that or hear that really until you address the fear. And so, once again, I need this to be like very, very solidified, because, again, people would think usually that if you're, if your anxiety or panic and fear are telling you not to do something, they think that, um, and let's say they become aware of that they think that the alternative is their intuition's choice, thinking that it's left or right, and it's just not true. Sometimes it's left but it's not left right now. Mind-blowing effect okay, sometimes it's left but not left right now.

Speaker 1:

And in this case, let's use that as an example your intuition let's pretend in this hypothetical, your intuition actually knows that you're not supposed to take this job and you're supposed to stay in your current city, in your current job. Let's, for whatever reason, let's pretend that's the case, but you don't know that yet because you have panic attacks every time, you think about that option and so in that moment you don't go. Okay, just because I'm having a panic attack about moving cities and getting a new job, that means that I'm not supposed to get a new job. It's going, I'm having a panic attack about this and until I deal with this response, I'm actually not sure what to do. And so in that moment, like you'll regulate yourself, you take deep breath and you do some like surrendering exercises. You just pretty much both physically, like somatically, and then mentally Just get yourself to a point where you're like okay, this is just how I feel, let me just feel it, let me be done with it.

Speaker 1:

And let's say you've done that, like you've let go of all that fear and you eventually regulate yourself. Now you're more clear-headed, now you go okay, do I want to move and get this job or do I stay here? And from this place? Once you've regulated, your intuition will whisper to you. It's not that visceral like it was with your fear, like you're not breathing really excessively or the things. It's like a feeling. And now the feeling it's very quiet.

Speaker 1:

However, sometimes it can create a sense of mild inspiration, and I say mild on purpose, because excitement isn't always your intuition, because excitement is actually biologically your body being dysregulated. Okay, that's why a lot of people quote unquote make the wrong decision, because they think that when they're like from a place of excitement, when you make a decision from this place, it's actually not the best place to make decisions, because you're not actually, you're not thinking in a calm and grounded way. It's all. That's where, like, your wounds come in. When we're excited or dysregulated in any way, whether we're angry, we're overly sad, feeling depressed and we're overly excited that we're borderline manic right From this place all our wounds come up, so it's not really us.

Speaker 1:

However, when we are regulated and we're in a place of what is called optimal arousal okay, which can sometimes it's like a calm excitement, like it's like inspiration, it's like this peace, it's this sense of like knowing in your body, right, like that's your intuition. And so, when you can learn to follow that voice, to follow that very quiet wifi system, that spiritual internet, so to speak, as well as becoming and letting out the version of you that comes out of you, when you feel confident, when you feel good enough, when you feel like you just couldn't care less if other people like you or not, when you can combine those two things, right, that is you becoming your higher self. That is actually the embodiment of your higher self, yeah, and you can now see then being this version of you, she or he exists right now, here and now. Okay, you have access to your spiritual internet all the time and you have access to your truth all the time. Who you really are, your personality, your weirdness, your quirks, your gifts, even your weaknesses, right, and all of quirks, your gifts, even your weaknesses, right, and all of that combined, that is your higher self. It's not the version of you. He never makes a mistake. Who doesn't get sad, who never gets angry Like that's just not true.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's understanding that because, once again, if you were someone who never, ever got sad again, who never, ever made a mistake, that is probably you. Lying to yourself, that's you having developed a spiritual ego, and people think that the spiritual ego is the higher self, and it's absolutely not. It couldn't be further from your higher self, it couldn't be further from your intuition, it couldn't be further from your authentic self. Okay, it's because being authentic is owning and please really listen to this. It's owning the human, animal side to you, as well as owning the spiritual side to you, the angelic side to you, and that does not mean good and evil in any which way or form, because, just like Lisa Nichols says, right, it's not about being perfect, it's about managing your imperfections perfectly, and that's essentially what we have been learning about throughout today's episode. Yeah, it's not about, again, the quest of perfection. It's actually the quest of perfectly managing, being the manager, the supervisor, of your imperfections. And you do that through owning your shadows, through accepting that you can be greedy sometimes, through accepting that you can be a little bitchy sometimes. Right, owning that, because when you own it, it can never own you, because if you do not own these parts of you, they will own you and they will come out in the most weirdest ways. They will come out and sneak out of your life. They'll leak you and they will come out in the most weirdest ways. They will come out and sneak, sneak out of your life. They'll leak everywhere and they'll just bleed into every element of your life and you won't even see it coming until something blows up in your face, okay, and then you'll just be stuck over and over again searching for something that doesn't exist anywhere other than right now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so I hope that you enjoyed today's episode, guys. We did really good. It was 32 minutes today, um, and so I would love to hear your thoughts on this episode. So please either DM me on Instagram, at Christina Modafari, or, if you're listening to this on Spotify. Go down to the comment box. I'd love checking them and seeing what you guys have to say. If you have any follow-up questions, and if you're listening to this on any other podcast streaming platform, would love for you to leave a review, um, and share your honest feedback with us. So so much love, guys. I love you so much, um, and I'll see you next week. Bye.

Embodying Your Higher Self
Embracing Your Authentic Self and Intuition
Alcohol, Anxiety, and Intuition Discussion