The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🕺 Dreaming it VS Doing it

April 30, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 4 Episode 37
🕺 Dreaming it VS Doing it
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🕺 Dreaming it VS Doing it
Apr 30, 2024 Season 4 Episode 37
Christina Modaffari

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Have you ever stood at the crossroads of your dreams, wondering when the time will come for you to step into the life you've imagined? Our latest episode is a clarion call for those ready to transform from idly yearning to actively achieving. I share poignant moments from my own life where the choice to act was the very catalyst for change, and we discuss the exhilarating process of committing to your purpose. We journey together through the bountiful landscapes of opportunity, acknowledging that it's not just about reaching a destination, but cherishing each step along the way. 

We all carry within us a story yet to be written, and sometimes the pen trembles in our hands as we ponder our next chapter. This episode draws on the quantum reality model, with an eye-opening discussion on how our beliefs shape our existence. The wisdom of Wayne Dyer punctuates our conversation, reminding us that our aspirations are only as distant as our doubts. I challenge you to become the protagonist of your own narrative, choosing the train tracks of life that resonate with your deepest desires, and thus painting your reality with the vibrant colors of faith and intention.

In the finale of this transformative session, we confront the age-old adage that the road to success is paved with relentless toil. Instead, we propose a path of gratitude and ease, where struggle is not the gatekeeper of fulfillment. As we dissect the difference between unnecessary hardship and the natural flow towards our dreams, we redefine what it means to live authentically. I invite you to join the conversation on Instagram, sharing your stories of awakening and self-discovery. This episode isn't just a listening experience; it's an invitation to embark on the most critical voyage of all - the one towards your truest self.

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Have you ever stood at the crossroads of your dreams, wondering when the time will come for you to step into the life you've imagined? Our latest episode is a clarion call for those ready to transform from idly yearning to actively achieving. I share poignant moments from my own life where the choice to act was the very catalyst for change, and we discuss the exhilarating process of committing to your purpose. We journey together through the bountiful landscapes of opportunity, acknowledging that it's not just about reaching a destination, but cherishing each step along the way. 

We all carry within us a story yet to be written, and sometimes the pen trembles in our hands as we ponder our next chapter. This episode draws on the quantum reality model, with an eye-opening discussion on how our beliefs shape our existence. The wisdom of Wayne Dyer punctuates our conversation, reminding us that our aspirations are only as distant as our doubts. I challenge you to become the protagonist of your own narrative, choosing the train tracks of life that resonate with your deepest desires, and thus painting your reality with the vibrant colors of faith and intention.

In the finale of this transformative session, we confront the age-old adage that the road to success is paved with relentless toil. Instead, we propose a path of gratitude and ease, where struggle is not the gatekeeper of fulfillment. As we dissect the difference between unnecessary hardship and the natural flow towards our dreams, we redefine what it means to live authentically. I invite you to join the conversation on Instagram, sharing your stories of awakening and self-discovery. This episode isn't just a listening experience; it's an invitation to embark on the most critical voyage of all - the one towards your truest self.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to this week's episode, guys. I am so excited for this because today we are cutting through the BS and we're going to discuss the difference between dreaming versus doing it. So, no more dreaming it. It's a time that you take action and actually live your dreams. And I know that sounds really cliche, because when people tell you to live your dreams, it can almost lose its meaning, right, because it's so intangible and it's so random, in a way, where it's like what does that really mean? What does it look like to actually truly live our dreams? Actually take action, because it is one thing to dream and it's completely different thing to do. And if you're not careful, you'll dream about it so vividly that you'll trick yourself into believing that you're taking action when you're not, when really what you're doing is you're delaying your own destiny, you're delaying your own mission, and I don't want that for you. Okay, I want you to not just dream it. I don't want you to just want that for you. Okay, I want you to not just dream it. I don't want you to just fantasize about it. I want you to actually live it. I want you to wake up every day and know that you are on the train tracks of the life that you truly want, and so today, we're going to go from being a dreamer to being a doer, and if you are ready to turn these fantasies into reality but you don't know where to start, then this episode is especially made for you. We're going to go through the back door. Okay, we're not going to do this the conventional way, because this episode's all about paving your own path, doing things your way. I know I do that, all the things and I want to begin explaining and inviting you into going from someone who's a dreamer into becoming someone who's a doer through this phenomenal analogy. Okay, it was a download that I had the other day, when I was in the most Zen state, and I just could not wait to share it with you, okay?

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to explain this in the analogy of you know, when people tell you that the goal in life is to become someone who can embody the saying of the destination is the journey. You know what I'm talking about, though, right, you hear it all the journey. You know what I'm talking about, though right, like you hear it all the time. It's such a common sort of piece of advice and it's incredibly wise. It's phenomenal, like it's. I couldn't agree with that more. In fact, it's truly the one of the foundations and principles of actually how I personally live my life, where it is my ultimate goal and vision to, yeah, to live my life and be the embodiment of someone who has arrived so deeply into the destination, of that destination being the journey itself. Because, again, we can sit here all day saying, oh, you know, the destination is the journey. We can say that it's cute, you can slap on some Canva graphics around it, post it on your Insta. It's cute as fuck, like I'm not going to deny that.

Speaker 1:

But how do we take something that's so you could say cliche and turn it into something that you live in? And so this is where the analogy will come in. This is what came to me in a download and I just can't wait to share it with you. So I want you to imagine that reality is constantly these multiple streams of train tracks. Okay, so this really does link to the concept of the quantum field. How all realities exist simultaneously. Everything happens at once. Time is illusion. So if you're into all of that, you're going to know exactly what I mean and you're going to actually like, eat up this, this whole episode. To be honest, it's going to be totally in your jam. So I want you to now use that same concept of how all realities exist all at once, at the same time, in the present moment. But let's now make it more of a visualization, let's paint a picture. I think this is the best way that we can actually turn wisdom into embodiment, and so I want you, right now, like just whatever you're doing, whether you're driving, whether you're going for a walk, whether you are cooking, it doesn't matter I want you, in your mind right now, to see that life is full of multiple train tracks, and the train track that you were on is the same as for real, with when it comes to how the train system works. Right, if you're on, like, if you're from melbourne, you'll know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But if you're on the south morang line, you know that when, if you're on the south morang line, even if you're coming from the c CBD, you know that on that train ride, the whole journey from the CBD up until the end of South Morang, each part of it is going to be, each train stop is going to be you being on the right path, you have arrived, you sitting in that train, on this train track, okay, and just simply allowing the train to go through the motions, you are the, you have arrived to your destination, because your destination is your journey. But this specific journey is the South Morang line. Now let's say there's another, there's multiple trains, there's other options, different directions you can go. And so let's say, in this other train, this train on this train track is actually going towards Rye, and it's just. If you're from Melbourne, you'll know that that actually doesn't exist. But let's say that there was a train that came from the CBD that took you straight to Rye.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so you get on that train, you are, you have arrived in your, in your journey. And remember the goal here is to fall in love with the journey, that you realize that it is the destination. Okay, so you get my, you get my point. So, either way, when you actually sit in the train, okay, whether you are stopping at CBD or Southern Cross Station or the end of the train line which is South Morang, either way you're in the exact same train. You are just experiencing different stations of that same train track or that same train path, and when you are on the line, then same goes. You're going in a different direction, but either way, whether you are at Frankston station or you're at, you know, cbd station, the Melbourne city station, you're still on the same train, like nothing. Nothing's changed. The difference is is that you're on the different part of the journey, and so you get my point.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to imagine that these multiple realities exist and you can choose which train line you are taking. You can choose your destination, but now I want you to see yourself at the crossroads. So, like every city in the world, I presume there's like a big station where, at these big train stations, you can choose from so many different options. Right, you can choose what direction you are going on, okay, and so I want you to imagine someone who is dreaming their life, just simply being a dreamer, fantasizing over what they want out of life. As someone who lives at this station, they never really get on a train. It's this constant overwhelmingness of looking at the screen and seeing all the options and constantly go. That would be nice, yeah, going to that direction, going to rye would be nice, oh. But what about south moraine? Oh. What about going to greensboro? Oh, what about going, you know, to the west side and you're just constantly just fantasizing. Oh, you know, if I were to go on the the ride train line line, then it's going to be really nice. It's nice and quiet. It's away from the city, um, the, the people there are going to be, you know, less hustle and bustle, ooh. But like I really am attracted to the self-reinvying line because that's more suburban, um, it's, it's like a little bit of everything.

Speaker 1:

And you know, if you're a dreamer in this analogy, you are in limbo because you are stuck at this I call the burden of possibility. You are so aware of what is possible for you in your life that you are not making a decision and you are staying at the train station so often, staying in the state of fantasizing and dreaming of what could be, so much so that you get really comfortable being at the station. You get comfortable with playing around and exploring and thinking about and contemplating the possibility of what could be, and that gets you, that gets you off a little bit right. But you're not actually on any train and you're not truly going anywhere. In fact, you just feel like you see everyone at the train station getting on the train, boarding the train, doing their thing, and you feel like you're behind in a way, right Like everyone else. You know, they just seem to have it together because they have chosen a direction or a destination, not realizing that the destination isn't the line that they're on. At the end, the destination is them getting on the train.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because when you're on the train, that train is moving, it's not stationary, it's going from each stop over and over again, to different stops, different stations. And what I'm here to say is that you living your dreams and please listen to this you living your dreams isn't about getting to the ends of the train line, it's about you just getting in the train. I'm going to say that again. You living your dreams is not you waiting for you to arrive at the end of the train line, it's you just getting in the train from where you are at. It's you just getting in the train from where you are at. That's everything. Because once you are on the train and you've chosen your path, you've made a decision. That automatically means that it doesn't matter whether you are one stop away, five stops away, 12 stops away. You are on the right track and each station is your dream. It's a different version of your dream, they're all your dream, you being on the train itself. Is you living the dream? And when you do get to South Morang line, the end of that train line, it's you were on the same journey this whole time. It's just that you have arrived at that end of that train line. It's time to get off the train, go back into the station and now choose your next path. Either way, you have moved. You are living the dream.

Speaker 1:

When you're in that state, whereas people think that you living the dream, is you having to wait for you to get to the end of that train track and then that's the dream? No, in fact, when people actually do that, if you hear a lot about celebrities or successful people, where that's what they thought as well. But they learned the hard way that when they arrived to the end of the train track, so to speak, meaning they had achieved that grand level of fame or success or amount of money or whatever else, they actually didn't find that much satisfaction in that end point. It was the whole train journey, so to speak. It was the whole ride. The whole thing was what was beautiful, what took them to having to get to the end of the train line for them to realize that they had missed out on all the other stops. And I don't want that for you, but that will happen to you. In fact, you won't even get to that point if you're just sitting there dreaming about all the possibilities trying to find the perfect one, and I'm here to say you get to actually leave them all out. But you're going to leave out none of them if you don't just get on the train and make a decision.

Speaker 1:

Because, just like getting on a train, you can't be on two trains at once, even with the quantum reality model at once. Even with the quantum reality model, if multiple realities exist at the same time, you can't have one more than one at once. You can't be a part of three realities at once. You can only ever be in one reality at once. Aka, you can only ever be in one train line at once or one train at once. Can you really rapidly shift from different trains? Absolutely, you can stop at any part of the train journey, get off the train and get into a new one. That's quantum shifting, that's called quantum leaping. At any moment, you wait for the next stop, you get off and you pick a new destination. You can do that that's literally the best way I can describe the quantum reality model and manifestation on on.

Speaker 1:

I guess more of a scientific lens and angle you can do that, but I find, because I'm a former dreamer, I was the person who never even got on the train my train tracks, so to speak. The reality that I was stuck in was what I call limbo, and it was the equivalent of, in this analogy, just hanging out at the station, tricking myself into believing that I was going after my dreams, when I knew full well that I was operating at 50% of my potential. If that, if that, to be honest and to everyone else, it looked like I was, like you know, living my dreams, or I was on the right path. I wanted them to think that, but it wasn't true. I was completely holding myself back because I just couldn't decide, and your ability to just simply decide and commit and be okay with you may be picking the wrong train. Until you do that, you will always be a dreamer and you will never be a doer.

Speaker 1:

And so I would like to say that I right in my own personal journey me as Christina I got on the train of my dreams and I arrived to the journey, which is the destination. Remember, I embody that now and the way I see it is that I'm already living my dreams. I'm living at the version of my dreams from the bus stop of the beginning right, there's so many stops. I'm here to experience. I'm just here for the ride, because I got my ass off out of the station and I put myself in a train, so to speak. And now I really mean this, like I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart. It makes no logical sense for me to feel this way, but I literally feel in my heart, in my body. I am living the dream. I know for a fact, it's a knowing, and the only thing I did was I had to admit to myself the fact that I was just being a dreamer, that I was tricking myself into believing that I was living my dream, when I wasn't. I was afraid of it. I was afraid of choosing the wrong train tracks, I was afraid of choosing the wrong path, and when I just realized that it was okay, that if I did that, I could literally just get on the path or get on the train, and if it didn't feel right, all I had to do was get off the next station and then readjust. Either way, at least I wasn't stuck, at least I wasn't tricking myself anymore.

Speaker 1:

And so a big part of being the main character of your life is remember, it's about taking charge of a narrative of your life. It's you not just being the leading star of your movie that we call your life, it's you actually also being the filmmaker, the director, the everything. And people want I know I was like this, but people want the good side, so to speak, of being in control of your life. Right, they want to have, yeah, like the attention and the admiration that comes with being someone who is in control of their lives and is a conscious creator. But they didn't want the dark side of it, so to speak, the shadow side that comes with it. And the shadow side that comes with that is you got to actually do it. You got to actually be okay with the fact that the path is completely uncertain and you have to quite literally live on faith itself. You have to stop being someone who needs evidence. You're never going to get it. That's not how it works.

Speaker 1:

Wayne Dyer has this amazing saying another thing that I live my life on a principle that I live on. And what Wayne Dyer says, and I hope I don't butcher it. He says that it's not. You'll believe it when you see it. It's, you'll see it when you believe it. Write that down If you haven't already heard it, write that down right. Write that down If you haven't already heard it. Write that down right.

Speaker 1:

Wayne Dyer is my OG. God rest his soul. He a huge, huge, most impactful mentor ever Like. He's the OG for me, like, yeah, that's for another episode. Right, if you haven't heard of him, go check him out. His work still lives on. His legacy is very much alive, despite his physical existence not being here, you know. But yeah, he taught me that it's not. I'll believe it when I see it. It's, you'll see it when you believe it.

Speaker 1:

Which is why I'm saying that if you want to stop being just a dreamer and be someone who actually lives the dream, you have to let go. I'm needing evidence of why your dream is going to work. You're never going to find it. That's not how reality creation works. That's not what main characters do. That's not what people who are extraordinary do. It's just not how you do it. That's not how we do, right? And if you want to truly own that confidence of self love and truly become this attraction magnet where you're not just being attractive on a aesthetic and sexual level, that you're literally attractive to your desires. But you got to get in the train. You got to get in there, and the only way you're going to jump on the train in a more practical sense in your life is that you actually, right now, have to admit that you have just been someone who is telling yourself that you're doing all the right things when you're not. And when I say right things, what I mean by that is believing in yourself, like committing, not dabbling.

Speaker 1:

If you're dabbling in your dreams, if you're dabbling in your manifestation practices, you're not manifesting the way that you want to. You are not necessarily being a conscious creator. You are not necessarily being a conscious creator. You are being a reactor, because for someone to feel like they are sitting on the sidelines or they feel like they're in limbo or they feel stuck, then that is a sign that you're doubling in your manifestation practice. You're doubling in going after your dreams. You're almost, in a way, the way I like to see it is that you're teasing yourself. You're being a cock tease to yourself about your dreams instead of actually fully just committing to it.

Speaker 1:

And I get it right, it feels a little bit unsafe to the nervous system when we do that, but I promise you right now that if you today, from right now, you listen, you listening to this episode, can use this as the catalyst for you to finally get out of your own way, by admitting to yourself that you are actually holding yourself back and that you don't need to wait for the evidence, because that's what's holding you back, by the way, that's what's keeping you at that train station trying to fantasize over what's the best route to go down. That's literally just because of what we just said, and it's also because you're afraid you're going to make the wrong decision. And so what I want and invite you to do right now hot genius please is that no matter what part of your life you're on, whether you are incredibly successful on a more measurable level with finances or social media exposure or, you know, successful business, whether you're there or whether you are someone who hasn't even had a business before, you're working a job that you don't necessarily feel fulfilled in, it doesn't matter where you are on a circumstantial level, because when it comes to the spiritual world, when it comes to your energy, it's not really about your circumstances as much as you think. It is, because someone who actually is at that level of success and someone who isn't can energetically be living in the same energy field, in the same frequency. It's just that they're experiencing that, um, that feeling of limbo limbo-ness in a different way. Yeah, the same way, as that can happen in reverse as well.

Speaker 1:

Someone who is incredibly financially and business-wise really successful and someone who is not so successful can also be on the same frequency, but being on the train, being on an abundant reality Because, again, it's not I don't want you to see you actually living your dreams as you arriving to the ends of the train line and you getting the achievement that you are going after. Remember, achieving your dreams is getting in the train, that's it. You being on the quote, unquote right train line. And when I say right, quote, right train line, and when I say right, that's subjective, right to me, when I say that it's the one that feels the most expansive, the most, you, it's absolutely you.

Speaker 1:

It's so you, it's so authentic that it should feel selfish and vulnerable, because you deserve nothing, nothing less than to do what makes you truly light up, because let me just be honest with you, and you probably already know this, but if you don't feel fully satisfied on a selfish level, you're not really going to be that much help on a selfless level, because everyone is our mirror, so how you treat you is in direct correlation with how you're going to be able to treat other people. So if you feel completely satisfied within yourself on a selfish level, people are going to feel completely satisfied by you on a selfless level, and then the universe will always, always reward people and make you collapse time and make your experience more pleasant. When you actually can be okay with being someone who doesn't need to prove that they're a good person, you don't need to prove it. A good person doesn't need to prove that they're selfless, you just are, and if you just start, you don't need to prove it. You get to actually be selfish in a healthy way, and when you do this, when you finally get on the train tracks, you're going to learn something. This is how we're going to end this episode, because if I haven't already convinced you to get on the train and actually arrive at the destination, which is the journey, if I haven't already convinced you to arrive at the journey, then I guarantee you that what I'm about to say next will convince you of that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so I want you to truly realize that you are one decision away. You are one decision away from getting and living your dreams. But you have to first admit that you have been stuck in limbo because you've been trying to wait for evidence and gain some sort of sign before you can go and do the thing. Right, you got to just do you and choose, choose. Right now You're going to choose that when you just admit that you have been getting in the way and being okay with the fact that you're not actually here for necessarily getting the end of the train line. You're here to simply just go for the ride. And the most important lesson is this you ready this is the part that's going to sell you, if I haven't already Is that when you're at the train station fantasizing about your dreams, unfortunately, you're going to struggle, and the struggle that you're going to go through is going to create all this drama and it's going to make you feel like you're worth it.

Speaker 1:

It's going to make you feel like you're of value to it because you're struggling. It's a trick. Your ego has made you believe that by not making a decision and struggling all the time and feeling like you have to earn your happiness, your dream life. That's what's keeping you stuck. If you feel like your life is a struggle, that is the indication that you are actually stuck at the train station. And then what happens? When you get on the train, the struggle ends, there's no more struggle, and so the trick here is to overcome your ego, overcome our.

Speaker 1:

The way our brains have biologically evolved. Our brains, on a biological level, is hardwired to value something that we earned. Our brain cannot fathom getting something so beautiful and amazing without blood, sweat and tears, okay, which is why you're probably stuck at the station, so to speak. You're in limbo. Your brain needs to create all this drama to make you feel worthy of your dreams. This is why most people, unfortunately, will never live them. They won't even look at the train. But what happens? And how do you get on the train? Again, on a more practical level, it's you actually transcending that biological hardwiring of your brain by actually being okay with living your dreams and having zero struggle, zero struggle. Yes, you do not have to struggle. In fact, you struggling is just delaying your dreams. It's an illusion, it's a trick, it's a survival mechanism and it's time we upgrade our brains. That doesn't serve us in this sort of world.

Speaker 1:

Now, when you feel like that your work, your day-to-day life, you going after your dreams, the journey of getting somewhere and evolving and achieving something extraordinary aka you getting on the train in which is going to the destination that feels the most you when you're there, there's no struggle anymore. No struggle, zero, zero struggle. It's easy, and that's how you know you've gone from someone who's just a dreamer versus someone who's living the dream. You've gone from someone who's just a dreamer versus someone who's living the dream. That's how you will recognize the difference. If you feel like every day is a freaking struggle and there's just so much resistance, it just feels so hard. You're a dreamer who's stuck on the train tracks and that's okay, I was there. I was there up until this year. However, if you feel like everything's easy and just so chilled, then you know that you are someone who's living the dream and you're on the train that's going to take you to your destiny. That's the tell point.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to walk away from this episode today and I want you to figure out which one you are. Maybe you already are living the dream and this episode was just confirmation of that Cause. That in itself is going to help you quantum leap really change things for you because, well, our awareness and acknowledgement of, of our blessing expands a blessing. Where attention goes, energy flows right. Maybe that's you, or maybe today you've identified that you really were the dreamer, pretending that you were living the dream.

Speaker 1:

But no, you're the dreamer and remember, all you got to do, if this is you, is let go of the illusion that your brain has created for you that in order for you to get your dreams and to get everything you ever wanted, it needs to be a struggle, that you need to earn it, because you absolutely don't. You don't. Okay. So much love, guys. I cannot wait for next week's episode and don't forget to DM me at Christina Monofrio on Instagram and let me know which one you are. I would love to hear if, whether you have identified that you are the dreamer or you're the person who's living the dream. I love you heaps. Take care bye.

From Dreamer to Doer
Embracing the Quantum Reality Model
Commit to Manifesting Your Dreams
Overcoming Struggle and Living Your Dreams
Discovering Your True Identity