The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🌀 Imagination is reality

July 09, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 4 Episode 38
🌀 Imagination is reality
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🌀 Imagination is reality
Jul 09, 2024 Season 4 Episode 38
Christina Modaffari

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Imagine if you could transform your reality simply through the power of your thoughts. This season opener promises to reveal just that: your imagination is the blueprint of your physical world. Join Christina Modaffari as she unpacks the idea that our 3D reality—despite its solid appearance—is actually a canvas of infinite possibilities shaped by our past manifestations. Discover how the limitations of our senses and the role of the reticular activating system mean that our attention and beliefs directly influence what we experience in life. By valuing your creative power over logical evidence, you reclaim the control to shape your world.

Prepare to be intrigued as we dive into the mind-bending implications of the double-slit experiment in quantum physics and its profound connection to our perception of reality. Christina explores how particles behave as waves of potential until observed, reinforcing the power of a positive perspective in manifesting favorable outcomes. From managing daily stresses like parking fines to overcoming financial struggles, this episode emphasizes the necessity of maintaining faith in your creative abilities. Your beliefs and observations hold the key to shaping your experiences—tune in to learn how to harness this power and create the life you desire.

Double Split Experiment-



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Imagine if you could transform your reality simply through the power of your thoughts. This season opener promises to reveal just that: your imagination is the blueprint of your physical world. Join Christina Modaffari as she unpacks the idea that our 3D reality—despite its solid appearance—is actually a canvas of infinite possibilities shaped by our past manifestations. Discover how the limitations of our senses and the role of the reticular activating system mean that our attention and beliefs directly influence what we experience in life. By valuing your creative power over logical evidence, you reclaim the control to shape your world.

Prepare to be intrigued as we dive into the mind-bending implications of the double-slit experiment in quantum physics and its profound connection to our perception of reality. Christina explores how particles behave as waves of potential until observed, reinforcing the power of a positive perspective in manifesting favorable outcomes. From managing daily stresses like parking fines to overcoming financial struggles, this episode emphasizes the necessity of maintaining faith in your creative abilities. Your beliefs and observations hold the key to shaping your experiences—tune in to learn how to harness this power and create the life you desire.

Double Split Experiment-



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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show, guys. I hope you haven't missed me too much. So it has been a hot minute since we have had a fresh episode. So this is the beginning of season four of the show. If you are new here, my name is Christina Modafari, I'm your host, and if you're an OG listener, then welcome back. Welcome back. We are coming back better than ever. It was the first break that we've taken since the launch of the show about seven, eight months ago, so this break was very, very, very well needed and I'm really, really excited to get today's episode.

Speaker 1:

So today is all about understanding that your imagination is reality. Okay, let's just like begin there. Imagination is reality. Okay. What does this mean? How does this apply to you? How can this completely change the way you experience life? Forever? And it's that, when it comes to the physical world, let's call it the 3D Okay, your 3D is simply a reflection of the things that you manifested and created prior to this moment.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to understand that, when it comes to the 3D world okay, although it is what you could call real and material, every single atom is 99.99999% empty space. In that, empty space from a subatomic level is just a field of infinite possibilities. Okay, that although we can perceive these things with our, our senses, it doesn't make it more real than our imagination. Okay, so if you can start understanding that what you see and perceive with your senses, which you think are only five senses we've actually got more than five senses, but anyway, with the sensor that you have, that what you can see, smell, touch, taste like, there is actually more to reality than what your senses are capable of perceiving. You know we can only, as humans, perceive 1% of the things that exist in our reality. So when I'm saying that imagination is reality, what I'm really saying is that you need to actually value that more than your circumstances in your life, because if you don't value your own imagination, your own creative power, then you're actually missing out on your creative potential and your creative power.

Speaker 1:

Now, you can see this from a woo-woo perspective, or you can see this from a scientific one, either, or it is really essential that you don't get too attached to what you see with your eyes as being something that's fact. I need you to stop caring so much about things having logical evidence, or things have to perfectly make sense to your mind. Okay, because if you are too attached to what your senses can perceive, you are quite literally missing out on the point to life, you are missing out on your power, you are missing out on all the things that you could truly be enjoying in your life. Yeah, and so I don't want that for you. I don't want you to be missing out on things because you're too obsessed with believing your senses a little bit too much obsessed with believing your senses a little bit too much, you know. And so I just invite you to have an open mind throughout this episode, to understand as well that, at the end of the day, what you see and perceive with your own senses is only a snippet of reality itself.

Speaker 1:

And so let's actually dive a little bit into the neuroscience of this. And so a human, a human mind, actually picks up on 11 million bits of information every second. So, in me just saying that statement, your mind and your brain had picked up on 55 million bits of information. Now, even though the human brain picks up on 11 million bits of information per second, it actually filters it down to 50 bits of information. Obviously, if our brain weren't able to do this, we'd probably go crazy, because picking up on that much information, and then actually being aware of that much information is very, very overwhelming, and so the brain had to find a way to evolve in a way in which it could filter things out.

Speaker 1:

Now this filtering system is taking place in what we call the reticular activating system, and essentially what that is. It just means that it is the part of your brain that is in charge of what you believe to be true. It is your beliefs, your perceptions and your identity. It's what your attention is constantly focused on. That is why, when your friend purchases a red bag, all of a sudden you see red bags everywhere. You call it magic, and really it's not magic. It's just that your brain is now aware and is filtering out that information, because your attention was on a red bag for long enough. Your brain just assumes that if your attention was on a red bag for long enough, your brain just assumes that if your attention is on something, it's important to you. So red bags are now a part of your reality. That's how it works. But does that mean that those red bags didn't exist prior to you putting attention on it? No, you can agree that red bags have always and will always exist.

Speaker 1:

Now this is the same principle with everything else in your life. If you want to be healthy and sexy and rich and powerful, then your attention needs to be on that. You need to believe that to be true. So then your mind, again from a neuroscientific perspective, can actually sort through those 11 million bits of information per second and put in the 50, right, and add in those things that you actually want to experience in your reality. Yeah, and so I needed to give you that example first, as well as the more physics example and perspective, so that you can, just right now, surrender to needing logic and to understand that your imagination. Now you know what I mean when I say that your imagination is reality. You get what I'm saying. Now your imagination needs to be taken more seriously than what your senses can perceive in the 3D, in the material world. When you can actually honor this part of you, when you can understand that your imagination is powerful and it is absolutely everything, it is the governing force of your life experience. Now, my friend, you have power. Now the control is back in your hands.

Speaker 1:

When your power and control is back in your hands, when your power and control is back in your hands, you also stop being the victim to your life. You stop being that person who's constantly like, oh my god, like this shit always happens to me. How unfair, why did? Why did this person do this? Why do I have another bill? Why is it that, no matter how hard I try, this just seems to be going on and on and on? Instead of feeling so helpless and victimized by these circumstances in that moment, instead you can just be like wait a second, I'm creating this right now. If I'm creating this, if I'm the problem, that automatically means that I'm also the solution. And if you can actually start to take your thoughts and your imagination and your energy, slash, emotion seriously, you get to truly take your life seriously.

Speaker 1:

And now, from this awareness, manifestation and conscious creation is no longer this woo-woo thing that you need evidence. And I'm telling you right now, the people who are too attached and obsessed with evidence are usually the people who are quite intellectual, quite academic. These same people, if you actually look at the most academic and the traditional intelligent person who's constantly analyzing and questioning things and trying to make sense of the world, you know these people are also the people who struggle the most in life. They're the ones who struggle with being able to actually enjoy their lives. They struggle to trust people, they struggle to even change, they struggle to be happy. Why? Because traditional intelligence and people who are constantly needed to make sense of things although is amazing when you're writing a thesis, is amazing while solving mathematical and logical problems and being an engineer or being a detective, that serves its purpose, but when it comes to life, you can't apply that same perspective, you can't apply that same sort of, I guess, tool and strategy. It doesn't work like that.

Speaker 1:

Because you're limited as a human, you're bound to human error. That because you're limited as a human, you're bound to human error. As a human, you're bound to having biases, confirmation biases, and if you're not in charge and aware of your weakness, of being a human, then you, being a human, will be your liability. Instead, if you can actually embrace and accept the fact that you can't take everything you experience with your senses for Bible, the fact that you can't take everything you experience with your senses for Bible Now, now you are, now you're in business, now you are in control, because you're not someone who's attached and constantly needing to use your senses as a way to prove something to be true. And now you get to experience the other part of reality that you're not capable of experiencing.

Speaker 1:

With those senses, you get to now play in the other arena of life. The other parts of life, such as the things that you cannot see but you know are true because you can feel it. It's now you can play with. You know the magic and the awe and the miracles of life. Now you can actually experience these things because you understand that, when it comes down to life itself and reality, that you're just simply not capable of seeing all of it. And that's okay. That's the beauty of being human. That's why it is so amazing to experience miracles and to have faith in the unknown and to have intuition and to feel beautiful feelings and to consciously create things like. That's the beauty of it.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't want to know everything, but you do suck the life out of life when you need to know everything, when you need to have logic to support everything, when you need support, supporting evidence for everything, and so I invite you to simply surrender to this need and this obsession with constantly relying too much on the 3D world and your senses and logic, and when you can do this, I assure you everything's going to shift for you everything because your imagination is reality, as I keep saying. And so let's go a little bit deeper on how you can actually use this into your favorable circumstances, so that it's not just this really cool philosophy or this cool mindset. Now it gets to actually be like a way of being, a lifestyle, you could say. And so how this is going to work is that, now that you understand that you can't even perceive all of reality and there's so much that you have been missing out on, and to just let go of control and let go of needing to know everything, now that you have this awareness, you can now start using your imagination in the direction that serves you, start using your imagination in the direction that serves you. So, when we can understand that your imagination is reality, that means that the thoughts that you think, the perceptions that you have and the emotions that you feel are now affecting your outer environment. Okay, so, in the double split experiment, for example, you can look that up. I might actually link a really cool video on that. You can watch on YouTube in the show notes below.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, the double split experiment a long story short. When they had pretty much shoot these particles onto a board, when these particles actually weren't observed by a camera or anything like that. The particles actually acted more like a wave of like infinite potentials, and this you can imagine if you're shooting like a tennis ball or something like that could be representative of a particle, like when it was kind of shot into the board and there was no observer, no camera to like see what was going on. Yeah, it acted more like a wave as opposed to like a solid thing, right, and so when the camera then was placed aka a camera represents an observer now the particles knew it was being observed and it actually acted not like a wave, it acted like a solid thing. And so why am I telling you this?

Speaker 1:

You don't need to understand anything other than the fact that when something, when a particle, when atoms or whatever you see in the 3D, is observed by anything, be that a camera or, by your eyes, by a human, then it alters the result of the thing that's being observed and the person who is choosing a perception on something collapses, the wave into matter. Do you remember how, at the beginning, when the particle was just doing its thing, it was just a wave. A wave, in this case, acts as infinite potentials, right, and everything's kind of existing at once and time is an illusion, okay, but as soon as anything, in this case a human perceiving something. So if you perceive as an example to make this more relatable, let's say that you get a parking fine, and you perceive that as a negative thing, right, as like bad luck, then you collapse the wave of possibilities into a fact, you saying, oh, this parking fine is me having bad luck.

Speaker 1:

You're making that your reality, because imagination is reality, you hear me? Whereas, if the same thing happened where you got a parking ticket, and you're like, oh, this must mean something amazing is coming out of this. Or you say, oh, like this was meant to be. Or you say this is the unfolding of my manifestations, or this is the bridge of this. Or you say, oh, like this was meant to be. Or you say this is the unfolding of my manifestations, or this is the bridge of incidents, like, however you want to look at it, right, then you're making that into a fact, because that perception you observing this parking ticket situation has collapsed the wave of possibilities into a reality, because the only thing that creates reality is, once again, again, the title of this episode imagination, because imagination is your reality, and so, when you can understand your power and you know that everything that you perceive to be true, everything that you believe to be true and everything you identify as it is fact for you, okay, I'm going to now assume you're going to be very careful and very aware on the way that you perceive your life.

Speaker 1:

So right now, I want, I want to invite you to think about a situation that's really frustrating you or a situation that's causing you some sort of pain and suffering, and let's just say that that situation is you're struggling to make a certain amount of money in a month, okay, and let's say that you've been working really hard, all the things, and I want you to apply this what we're learning right now that imagination is reality. So let's say that every single time you struggle or you think about the amount of money you have, I want you to pay attention to, like how you're perceiving this, what you're observing and what reality you're collapsing the potentials into. So let's say, maybe you think to yourself see, nothing good ever happens to me. Working really hard is a waste of time, or blah, blah, blah, like. Whatever it is, I want you to see that that's not random.

Speaker 1:

I want you to see that you're creating that, and it's not about you know, positive thinking in a negative way. It's not about toxic positivity, it's just about seeing it for what it is. That your positivity, or your perception, your observation of the fact that you're not making the amount of money that you want to make, you're making it come true through simply how you're observing what's currently happening right now in your 3D world. Instead, you use this power by understanding that, well, imagination is your reality. That's the real reality. So, if you're not making the amount of money that you want to make and you see this as oh, I'm actually really excited to see how much more money I'm going to make, this means nothing Like it's not a reflection of who I am. This is something that I created, you know, yesterday or last week or six weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

I get to choose the reality that I live in and I'm choosing to see that this is the beginning of my income doubling right. And when you do that and you trust it you trust it more than the 3 3d world then you again are in power and eventually your 3d world has no choice but to collapse and morph into what you're perceiving, yeah. However, if you're someone who's doubting this and you and you say once, oh, this is the beginning of of me doubling my income, and then five minutes later, you check your bank account and like, see, this is bullshit, this isn't happening, I don't, I feel like an idiot, then you're going to manifest that story. You're going to manifest that you're an idiot and that manifestation isn't real. You are so powerful that if you believe you are not powerful, you make that a fact. Do you get that? So this is something where you need to persist in it. You need to persist in faith.

Speaker 1:

It's very easy to believe in something when you have evidence instantaneously. It takes a fucking warrior to believe in something and to know something to be true and to trust themselves and their own creative power in their imagination that it's a warrior if you don't need evidence, when you become someone who trusts that reality in your imagination so much that nothing around you ever scares you anymore, because you knew that you created it and you also know that you can change it and that you don't sit there needing this evidence and logic and things that make sense, because you've already learned that your brain can't handle every single thing that exists in reality. All, right, it filters it down to 50. You have learned that atoms, which is what makes up you and me and the universe, right, you have learned that 99.99% of an atom is empty space of waves of? Learned that 99.99% of an atom is empty space of waves of potentialities right, everything's existing at once and you get to quite literally choose what you get to experience.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you got to remember something here that there is 8 billion people on the planet. That means that 8 billion realities exist right now, because, as each person and human is born into this life, there is a new reality created. Okay, and that no two people will ever perceive and experience the same reality. They can experience similar, they can experience the same level of vibration and frequency, but they can't ever experience the exact same one, because we are all each so unique. There is only one of you. You are so rare, you are so special, and if you're not using this power correctly, then what's going to happen is that you're just going to constantly feel helpless to your life. You're constantly going to be a victim to your reality.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and this is not so that you can worry about your thoughts. This is not to encourage, you know, anxiety. What I'm saying is that we, we manifest and create in our lives, in our imagination, what we think about most often. So I'm not saying that if you have one thought, um of you spitting on your dog, it means that you're going to go spit on your dog. What I'm saying is that if you dominantly think about that, if that's something that you think about very often, then yes, that is going to manifest in your life.

Speaker 1:

The same way, if you're constantly telling yourself that you're broken, unlucky, or that everything is always, you know, really tough for you, if that's what you've been thinking about for several months or several years, then yes, that is what you're going to manifest. So I don't want you to worry about um, like don't overly obsess of, like being afraid of manifesting the wrong things, because if you have one thought, it's not going to manifest, right, so you don't have to worry. It's only when you're constantly thinking about it over and over again, You're giving it energy over and over again. That's when you start creating it, you know. And so, to have that perfect balance of taking care of your mental diet without you having, like this anxiety almost, of like being afraid of manifesting the wrong thing, the way that I approach this is to simply just relax, okay, and every time you have a thought that you don't like, you just say not interested, like that's it, like you're that powerful that you can just say to your mind, like I'm not interested in that, um, and then when you have a thought you do like like you know what I do, I'm interested in that, I want that, I'd love to create that.

Speaker 1:

And every time you have a thought and you catch yourself going see, I'm so unlucky, or see, everything is always like not working out for me, or I'm like I'm helpless, when you notice these thoughts it's like, oh, interesting, interesting. And then you change it, you flip it as you go and you enjoy the process of that. You take back your power and be like no, that's not who I am anymore. Who I am is something is someone who everything's always waking out for me, everything's always waking out for me. I'm like the luckiest person I know and that I I am the prize right and like I'm in control, like I can create whatever I want, right, and if you can constantly just shift back. So the two steps that I always teach my clients is like step one is acknowledge the trigger. Step two is shift into your desired identity. So acknowledge, shift Step one, acknowledge, step two shift. So that's all you got to do, right? So the next time that you start spiraling or you're triggered by your 3D circumstances, just acknowledge, call it out. Call it out and be like, oh, I'm doing that thing again.

Speaker 1:

If it's really intense, you breathe and you can regulate your emotions. You can, if you're feeling anger, for example, regulate the anger, feel the anger, let it be there, let it do its thing so it doesn't turn into aggression. Right, let it stay as healthy anger. Once that's done, you know that should take 90 seconds if you're doing it, right from that space, shift, shift. So if you were angry because someone cut you off the road and you kept getting dirty looks, acknowledge the anger, regulate it. When that's regulated, go. You know what? I'm the prize? I'm someone who always gets prince or princess treatment. I'm so well respected, I'm taken so seriously, right. And then maybe in two hours you're triggered again. Maybe someone gives you another dirty look, someone else cuts you off the road again.

Speaker 1:

Do the same thing and you'll notice that as you do this, you get that the emotional charge, the trigger, is actually lessened over time, because you're regulating it out of your body and your actual body on a cellular level, is actually changing right, and then you start to notice that your reality shifts along with it and it becomes this beautiful art. It's like I want you to see that life and your conscious power is like this constant beauty of you creating, like, um, you molding clay with your hands, but you're doing it with your mind and your emotions and your energy. Right, that's life like. It's not about making it perfect. You know, like I think, when it comes to's life Like it's not about making it perfect.

Speaker 1:

You know, like I think, when it comes to flying a plane, apparently it's don't quote me on the exact number, but like approximately, like 70% or something of the plane journey is actually off course, like it's. It's actually the plane flies in the direction it's not supposed to to in regards to the destination it's trying to reach, and the pilot's job is actually to constantly course correct. How interesting is that? That a pilot is not supposed to get to the destination? It's supposed to constantly course correct, and you are the pilot to your life, guys, you are the pilot. So when you are like off course, I don't want you to see that, as you're failing, that is perfect. You're supposed to constantly, in a way, be swaying in the wrong direction or the direction that's not favorable, because your job is to be the creator and to come back and course correct every moment. Course correct. Have fun, because every single time you're swayed away from the direction that you don't want to be in is actually an opportunity for you to expand, for you to create, for you to mold, for you to expand, for you to create, for you to mold, for you to learn, for you to make your life that little bit more romantic and juicy and enjoyable. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed today's episode. I don't want you to ever forget what we learned today. Okay, so, imagination is reality.

Speaker 1:

If you have any questions, please put them in the comment box below If you're streaming this on Spotify. If you're not streaming, please put them in the comment box below if you're streaming this on Spotify. If you're not streaming this on Spotify, then you can actually text us. You can just click the link in the description below and we'll reply through an episode. So much love, guys. Welcome back to Hot Genius. I'm so excited to be your host and to get this season, you know, going with a bang and I'll see you next week. Bye.

The Power of Imagination in Reality
The Power of Perception and Imagination