The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

📺 Your dream life is not in the future, it’s on a different channel in the PRESENT

July 09, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 4 Episode 39
📺 Your dream life is not in the future, it’s on a different channel in the PRESENT
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
📺 Your dream life is not in the future, it’s on a different channel in the PRESENT
Jul 09, 2024 Season 4 Episode 39
Christina Modaffari

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What if your dream life is not a distant goal but something you can start living today? Join us as we unpack the transformative concept that your ideal life is like switching TV channels—you just need to shift your perception. We'll explore how both your current life and dream life exist simultaneously, and by tuning into a different frequency, you can begin to experience the life you've always imagined. It might look similar at first, but persistence and the right mindset will reveal profound changes and synchronicities.

Discover the fascinating science behind manifestation and why patience is essential for seeing physical changes in your world. Learn how atoms, which make up everything, are filled with infinite potentials, making belief in immediate transformation challenging. Through sharing personal experiences of overcoming depression, financial struggles, and toxic relationships, we illustrate that true fulfillment comes from within. Understand how to become a conscious creator of your life, managing better quality problems, and achieving inner happiness independent of external circumstances. Tune in to unlock the secrets of living your dream life now!

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What if your dream life is not a distant goal but something you can start living today? Join us as we unpack the transformative concept that your ideal life is like switching TV channels—you just need to shift your perception. We'll explore how both your current life and dream life exist simultaneously, and by tuning into a different frequency, you can begin to experience the life you've always imagined. It might look similar at first, but persistence and the right mindset will reveal profound changes and synchronicities.

Discover the fascinating science behind manifestation and why patience is essential for seeing physical changes in your world. Learn how atoms, which make up everything, are filled with infinite potentials, making belief in immediate transformation challenging. Through sharing personal experiences of overcoming depression, financial struggles, and toxic relationships, we illustrate that true fulfillment comes from within. Understand how to become a conscious creator of your life, managing better quality problems, and achieving inner happiness independent of external circumstances. Tune in to unlock the secrets of living your dream life now!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the show. My name is Christina Modafari. If you are new here, welcome to the Hot Genius Fam. If you are an original listener, then hello. How are we going?

Speaker 1:

So let's get into today's episode. It's going to be really fucking juicy, as it always is. So today I'm going to talk to you about something really important, okay, and what that is is that your dream life does not exist in the future. It exists right now. Did you hear me? Yeah, I'm talking to you. Did you hear me?

Speaker 1:

Because your mind has been tricking you your entire life. Okay, it has been making you into someone who believes that you need to chase this dream life and it exists in the future, and that you've been perceiving your life experience in a linear kind of way. Instead, how your life really works and how time works and dreams and whatever else, it's existing in the present moment. It's always existing in the present moment. It exists now, now, now, now, now. And so what do I mean by this? Let's use a fun analogy to really let this land for you. Okay, so you have a TV, you know how to use a TV, you know how it works. So when you click channel two and you are experiencing channel two right now. My question to you is that just because you are watching channel two, does that mean that channel seven doesn't already exist right now? Right, channel seven exists right now, even if you're not watching channel seven, even if you are watching channel 2. Instead of using it in that analogy, let's paint it with life.

Speaker 1:

Your dream life you think exists somewhere else, in a different time, when it doesn't, because the life that you currently lead is channel 2 and your dream life is channel seven. Like what? This is insane, right? But is it Because your dream life you have been trying to like, chase after into the future, and you should know by now that that doesn't work, right? Like it's not really working out for you, because you're actually now in a future moment from, say, a year ago, and it's not how you pictured it, is it? No, and that is because your dream life does not exist anywhere, but right now it's just on a different channel. Right, and life actually works. Like reality itself works exactly the same as a television or a radio, right, and how? Like radio works, right, everything is existing simultaneously. Okay, everything exists at once, and the reality that you actually are choosing to experience or the channel of your life that you are living is the one that you click on right. And the way that we click on a life experience or a channel in a more practical lens is simply based on your perception, your energy and the way that you identify with your life.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so if you're someone who believes that you are very unlucky and that you are behind on life and that you are a failure, right, let's say you think that about yourself. That is, you experiencing channel two. And now let's say your dream life is you being wealthy, okay, you being confident, you being loved, you receiving prince or princess treatment wherever you go, you have been trying to achieve this life while still watching channel two. You're still. You're trying to achieve this life while still watching channel two. You're still. You're trying to be this vip person, right, while still being a non-vip person. You're trying to watch channel seven. By staying on channel two, you are trying to change the channel to channel seven by thinking that if you just wait and watch channel two for five years, maybe you will just miraculously eventually watch channel seven and you won't. Right, no matter how long you watch channel two, it will never become channel seven.

Speaker 1:

Can we agree on that, right? It's the same thing when it comes to your life. It's the same thing when it comes to your ideal dream life. You have been staying to watch the channel of channel two for so many years and feeling helpless and slowly, slowly giving up on your dreams because you realize that it didn't work, thinking mistakenly, thinking that it's because it's not possible for you, when really it's not that at all. It's that you've been thinking that it exists in the future and it doesn't. Channel 7, aka your dream life, exists right now, right now. And no, I'm not saying that if, right, this moment, you change your perception, your identity and your energy that instantaneously, just like a television, will you just get into that life and everything will just materialize, dematerialize and rematerialize like a freaking fantasy movie. I'm not saying that because it's not how it works, because in this reality it's very dense, right, compared to you know, an actual literal radio channel or frequency and things. So it does take a bit longer than that, okay, but you as a person can shift.

Speaker 1:

So you can imagine this like imagine you haven't watched channel seven for a while, you've neglected channel seven because you haven't literally been watching it. When you first click channel seven, it kind of looks similar to channel two. Okay, it looks a bit different, but you know what you do straight away, instant, instantly realize, you realize, ooh, even though everything looks the same, why do I kind of like this better? Why does this feel a little bit different? Why am I enjoying this a bit more? Very interesting, and it's because channel seven, when you first start watching it aka your dream life, when you begin to live your dream life it will at first look very similar to your current life. That's just normal, okay. When you keep watching the show and just let it unfold and you let it unfold by persisting and upholding this new frequency, this new channel, because you click the channel right, then you eventually will see things materialize before your eyes, and it will happen with so much ease. You will call it good luck, you will call it synchronicities, and it's because it's just you're just watching a different channel, now, right.

Speaker 1:

And so what happens, though, is that people get moments of experiences of being on channel seven, aka their dream life, and then they kind of get impatient I know I'm guilty of this myself and we accidentally like that impatience and that lack of belief and that feeling of feeling like you're a bit crazy or that it's not working. Well, those thoughts and those beliefs, that's equivalent to you grabbing your remote to your life and clicking back to channel two. You get me. So then you go back to channel two and you're like, see, it doesn't fucking work, it's all bullshit. I don't believe in this wee-wee shit. I don't believe in this light and love shit, and it's like no, it's not that at all. You're just being impatient Because in order for your life to change, in order, you need to change, and it's not really about attracting a life that you want.

Speaker 1:

It's actually about becoming someone who has the capacity and the awareness to be able to experience a life that you want. Because we have just cleared out that your dream life exists right now. But think of channel two. If you've been watching, it's an and it's a reality of your life. That it's not your favorite kind of reality, right? Not the your favorite version, or you're not your favorite channel. You have been a perfect match to that life. So your perceptions, your thoughts, your internal dialogue, your attitude, your identity, how you perceive the world, it's so like cemented right now. It's so lit, like you, so it's. It's naturally going to be easier for you to stay on that channel because you're so good at this channel, right, you're an expert of channel two, and so it's really crucial for you to just be really graceful and patient with yourself and to understand the logic behind it that it's going to take some practice for you to actually be able to hold, to be someone who can now also perceive channel seven, because it's not again, it's not about attracting anything into channel two, it's about you literally jumping a different station or a different channel, and you do that by well in in channel seven.

Speaker 1:

The people who are able to experience that reality, these people have the ability to have a larger awareness. They are picking up on different things in their environment, in their reality. And if you didn't listen to last week's episode, which was called imagination is reality, um, hello, what are you doing? Because that explains everything of what we're talking about right now. It's a perfect addition to this episode, but if you have already listened to it, then the refresher of it is this is that remember that our brain picks up on 11 million bits of information and it filters it down to 50.

Speaker 1:

And so someone who, I guess, is watching Channel 2, their mind is picking up on the 50 bits of information, very different parts of reality, as opposed to someone who's watching channel seven, someone who is watching channel two, aka your current life is someone who's picking up on a lot of the shit things that are happening, is picking up on how you're treated like crap and that you don't make much money and that life is hard right. And so the person who's watching channel 7, that's not the, that's not what the 11 million bits of information is filtered down to, like their 50, 50 bits of information is different. Their 50 bits of information, their dream reality, what they actually perceive, that things are always working out for them, that everything is in abundance right, that they are perceiving that everything, everyone treats them like a princess or a prince, or they always receive, you know, king treatment, they are loved, they are cared for, everything is happening with so much ease, and that they're just someone who always gets what they want. Like, do you get what I'm saying? And so it's really important that you understand that when you first literally click the channel, right, that at first it's going to look very similar to what you have already experienced, and the only proof that you need to know that you actually have changed the channel and you have stepped into, um, I guess you could say, your dream reality is. You got to measure it not based on what you see, your senses. You got to measure it based on how you feel. If everything feels a bit lighter, if you feel a little bit more confident, if you feel just really relaxed and present and you're not worrying as much, hello, that's the only proof that you need. It means that you changed the channel, but your body just needs to calibrate to that, it needs to get used to that and at first, sometimes to some people that can be overwhelming, right, and that's why it's really important to persist. Persist in understanding these things, and if you're anything like me, you're someone who does really need you know academic things to back things up and they're very intellectual then that you know just constantly.

Speaker 1:

Go back to the science that we've learned in this episode as well as the one in the previous episodes, right, and just understand that it makes sense for us to struggle to believe things, to understand that you know an atom, which is what everything in this world is made up of. It's what you and I also made up of, is 99.99 empty space, and in this empty space exists a wave of infinite potentials, and it's going to take some time for the your material world to catch up to that because it's more dense. Right, it takes time for it to start to shift and for you to notice, but that's why your emotions will instantly change, because that is lighter energy. Right, we can agree that our emotions and our thoughts and our feelings, it's literally if we were to carry them. Your emotions are much lighter than literally carrying, you know, let's say, a rock. And so be patient, that rock is going to take some time. You know all the atoms that is made up of a rock. That rock is going to take some time. You know all the atoms that is made up of a rock. It's going to take some time for that rock to change, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so, as long as you're just constantly being aware that, oh, like I'm, I need, I don't need to chase anymore, like, oh, my god, like it's not that I suck at manifesting, or it's not that I'm, you know someone who's helpless to their circumstances, it's just that I, you know you have just been someone who's been waiting for channel two to become channel seven, while never, ever changing the channel because you thought mistakenly thought that your dream life exists in the future and it doesn't. It absolutely doesn't. That your life experience is not a line, it's a circle, right, it's a beautiful circle that's ever expanding and everything's existing now, right now, all of it, every single thing of it you know, and so if you can actually get your mind on board with this, so that you can actually apply this, everything's gonna change for you in the best of ways, the best of ways. Okay, like I just want to share, like, some examples in my own life.

Speaker 1:

Like I remember that I once was someone who I was so depressed. I was so depressed, I was so unlucky, and I fell into that trap, you know, of like being someone who was like obsessed with chasing the future. Like that was me. I would escape my suffering in the present moment through chasing a better future. Um, until I realized that I was chasing something that didn't exist. I was trying to chase, you know, I guess, to go back to that analogy, like I was trying to like watch the channel seven, I guess, program, while being someone who's still watching channel two and wondering why the fuck it wasn't working and it wasn't, until I realized crap, like I, I'm, I'm causing all of this.

Speaker 1:

I'm the common denominator, you know, like I was so miserable, like my life looked so different to what it looks like now, like it was so unrecognizable for example, I had medical conditions that doctors would deem incurable that I no longer have a problem with anymore. I was in so much debt. I was incredibly. I was really depressed and, yes, I didn't't value my life. I really struggled with my life. I was going to say before you know that I don't need to go into it, but I just I didn't. I really struggled. I really struggled mentally. I had overbearing anxiety in all forms, all forms. You know, you could OCD, health anxiety, whatever you can think of I probably had it. Um, I had really really toxic relationships, really unfulfilling relationships.

Speaker 1:

I, no matter how hard I worked, guys like I, I couldn't really make money. Like my hard work, like if hard work equated to to financial dollars, dollars, I should be a trillionaire. Like that's how hard I worked and I wasn't. I was actually broke as a joke On paper. I felt like the biggest failure on planet Earth. Like I felt really unlucky.

Speaker 1:

I was always treated badly, no matter where I went, like I just copped it, you know, and I'm now someone who is pretty much the polar opposite of all of that. I have manifested my dream business. I have complete clarity in who I want and what I want, and just you know what I want out of life. I feel so fulfilled in the work that I do. I have an amazing roof over my head, I do not have any debt and I get paid to do things that I absolutely love every single day, right, and I have a podcast, have this podcast doing something that I absolutely adore. More than anything, I have incredible friendships. I feel so loved and everywhere I go, by the way, like I get princess treatment without even trying.

Speaker 1:

Um, I used to also have really, really messed up body image issues. I had really intense body dysmorphia, like I thought I was the ugliest person on earth. Like, seriously, not being dramatic, that's just how I felt about myself. And now, like I feel so beautiful, like I feel like I'm the hottest bitch on earth and I'm not saying that I literally am, but it doesn't really matter, right Cause only thing that matters is my opinion, and my opinion is that I am that person. I am the most confident person, most beautiful person, and and it it doesn't come from, like this place of ego or anything Like. It's right, it's quite humble, um, and to me, like what, like what a success in itself. And in saying all of that, I have the ability to be grateful for what I currently have, while at the exact same time, I'm so excited for, like all the things that are like yet to come and yet to unfold.

Speaker 1:

Because, to me, I live on Channel 7 now, like I live my dream life. I'm just living in different versions of my dream life and you know, if you want to know more about that, two episodes ago it was called Dreaming it Versus Doing it Amazing episode. I go into the detail and the nitty gritties of what I'm talking about, about experiencing a dream life, how to actually live it right now, how to stop, you know, living on the sidelines, um, I explain the concept of your dream life, how it's not like this, just um, a picture like it's not like a still image, it's actually more like the unfolding of a movie, like the whole movie is your dream life. You're just experiencing different scenes of that life, of that dream life, right? So that's like channel seven, so to speak, in your dream life. So that's me, like I'm just every moment, every day, I'm just experiencing different scenes of my dream life. So that's me Like I'm just every moment, every day, I'm just experiencing different scenes of my dream life, and every scene is perfect for what it is and I and I appreciate each scene, but that does not mean I don't get excited for the next scene, you know.

Speaker 1:

And in saying that, I always love to be transparent and clear, because a lot of people think that when you live your dream life, it means that there's no problems. And that's not true. In your dream life, it's not the absence of problems, it's just better quality ones, right? You just have better problems. For example, my problem, you know, in the past, I don't know, let's say 10 years ago, my biggest problem was honestly like what the fuck am I gonna eat? Past, I don't know, let's say 10 years ago, my biggest problem was honestly like what the fuck am I going to eat tonight? Cause I don't have money, you know, cause I came from poverty, and that was a big problem. And my problem these days is definitely not that. My problem now is like oh, I don't know what to cook tonight because I have so many options, right, like it's a different problem.

Speaker 1:

And so I really want you guys to understand that success and living a dream life is not the absence of problems, it's the quality of them. My problems now still exist, but they're much better problems than what they were 10 years ago, 5 years ago, even 2 years ago, right. And so if you also apply the fact that your dream life isn't this perfection, flawless thing, it will make it easier as well for you to enjoy it, because you're like oh, I'm actually doing it right, I'm not supposed to have no problems, I'm just supposed to have favorable ones because there's different kinds of problems, ones, right, because there's different kinds of problems. And so when we can understand this, we can understand the concept that your dream life exists now it doesn't exist in the future, that you have the power of literally just changing the channel through simply having the awareness that you just learned in this episode, through shifting your identity, how you identify with life, with money, with relationships, with literally everything. If you can take control of your thoughts, your perceptions and you can start to respond differently to the triggers in your life and to the circumstances in your life, that is the equivalent of you grabbing a remote control and changing the channel when you can know this remote control and changing the channel when you can know this.

Speaker 1:

I can't even tell you. You will just be like I don't even have words to describe this, but I'm going to do my best. You're going to be the most powerful manifester. You're going to be in control of your life. You're going to become a conscious creator. You're going to literally feel like magic is real, because it absolutely is when you actually realize your power and you're just gonna be so unfuckwittable because your happiness levels, your fulfillment, how relieved and at peace you feel, will have nothing to do with your outside world, will have nothing to do with how much money is in your bank account, with how other people treat you. Your power will 100% come from within and you'll become someone who no one will want to fuck with.

Speaker 1:

All right, because it's easy for someone to be happy, relaxed and at peace when everything is perfect in the outside world. It's not so easy to do that when your circumstances aren't making it easy for you to feel those things world. It's not so easy to do that when your circumstances aren't making it easy for you to feel those things and so when you can actually take advantage of things in your life that you don't necessarily like yet and use that as opportunity to be someone who can still feel fucking happy, to still be grateful, to still feel at peace. Oh my god, how, how sexy, how amazing, how magnetic. This is how you change the channel of your life. This is how you become truly a conscious creator of your life, and this is how you can not be the kind of person who does get everything they want the hard way and then, when they have everything they want, feel emptier than ever, because I don't want that for you.

Speaker 1:

All right, and you will have that. You will. If you just work really hard and do things the traditional way and literally get. You could get fame and fortune and still feel as miserable as you do right now. Right, you can, that's. You know how possible that is. You know how many people, such as people who win the lottery 75% of them go bankrupt. Do you have any idea how many billionaires and famous people commit suicide or go into really severe depression, like it's? Obviously because it has nothing to do with their outer world? It's you.

Speaker 1:

Power is within your dream. Life exists now and when. You can change how you experience and feel and respond and think about your life, then those same favorable circumstances that those other people have, such as fame and fortune. It will just be a magnet to you. It will just be fucking horny for you and it will find you, and it will be easy and you won't be like those other people who aren't grateful for it, because you'll be someone who already is grateful for it. No matter what, you won't be afraid of losing it because you know the truth of life. You know that you are the one you've been searching for. You'll know that you have everything you need right now, in this present moment. You will know your power, and that in itself is the most invaluable gift. That is the point of life. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll speak to you next week. Bye.

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