The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting

🔊 You’re not years away from your desire, you’re vibrations away

July 16, 2024 Christina Modaffari Season 4 Episode 40
🔊 You’re not years away from your desire, you’re vibrations away
The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
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The Hot Genius Guide To Manifesting
🔊 You’re not years away from your desire, you’re vibrations away
Jul 16, 2024 Season 4 Episode 40
Christina Modaffari

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What if your deepest desires were just a vibration away? Tune into our latest episode as we challenge the conventional obsession with linear time and logic, illustrating how imagination and belief can astonishingly reshape your reality. By delving into the awe-inspiring achievements of Usain Bolt and the Wright brothers, we reveal how breaking through perceived limitations isn't just possible—it's within your reach if you allow your imagination to expand.

Ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly manifest their desires? We break down the often-misunderstood concept of vibrational energy, likening emotions to states of matter to show that the key to manifestation lies in shifting vibrational states. Through powerful personal anecdotes, we'll demonstrate how emotional intelligence and self-regulation can move you from a 'frozen' state to one where your desires can flow like water and steam. Find out how these principles can apply to everyday struggles, such as body image and weight loss, transforming your journey into a more fluid and empowering experience.

This episode isn't just about understanding theory—it's about taking actionable steps to transform your life. Discover how embodying the emotional state of your goals can help you achieve them more quickly and sustainably. As we wrap up, we stress the importance of sharing this transformative knowledge to foster a global family of growth and support. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion that promises to change the way you view your desires and limitations forever!

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What if your deepest desires were just a vibration away? Tune into our latest episode as we challenge the conventional obsession with linear time and logic, illustrating how imagination and belief can astonishingly reshape your reality. By delving into the awe-inspiring achievements of Usain Bolt and the Wright brothers, we reveal how breaking through perceived limitations isn't just possible—it's within your reach if you allow your imagination to expand.

Ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly manifest their desires? We break down the often-misunderstood concept of vibrational energy, likening emotions to states of matter to show that the key to manifestation lies in shifting vibrational states. Through powerful personal anecdotes, we'll demonstrate how emotional intelligence and self-regulation can move you from a 'frozen' state to one where your desires can flow like water and steam. Find out how these principles can apply to everyday struggles, such as body image and weight loss, transforming your journey into a more fluid and empowering experience.

This episode isn't just about understanding theory—it's about taking actionable steps to transform your life. Discover how embodying the emotional state of your goals can help you achieve them more quickly and sustainably. As we wrap up, we stress the importance of sharing this transformative knowledge to foster a global family of growth and support. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion that promises to change the way you view your desires and limitations forever!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the show. I'm your host, christina Modafari, and today's episode is called you Are Not Years Away From your Desire, your Vibrations Away From it, and so what do I mean by this? Let's actually get straight into it, because I can't help myself. This is so juicy, and what I mean is that everyone is constantly obsessed with time, so really obsessed with things being logical and realistic. You know, like you hear it all the time, we're brainwashed to believe that you know all these statistics, and then what happens? We, we actually succumb to that. We make it true because what you think is your reality. We learned about this in a couple other episodes. If that's something you want to dive a bit more into, I recommend the episode called imagination is reality. What I'm saying is that we're so obsessed with this linear time, we're so obsessed with things making sense and being logical and all these annoying things. Do you know what I mean? And so I just want to quickly challenge that for a moment, before we get into what it really is and what vibrations away means and how you can start applying this teaching into your life, like literally straight away.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so do you know of Usain Bolt? I don't know too much about him, but he was a runner. He was the first person to run the four minute mile. And prior to Usain Bolt running the four minute mile, guess what? Society and everyone thought that running the four minute mile was impossible. Some people believe that if someone were to run four miles I mean a mile in four minutes that they would die, that the human body couldn't handle it right. So literally absolutely no one would do it. Until Usain Bolt came around and he ran the four minute mile. Guess what happened after he had run that, after he had done something that most people thought was quote unquote impossible, so many more people after him. As soon as he did it, other people started doing it.

Speaker 1:

So what does this tell you? It tells you that you got to stop trusting and believing everything you hear in terms of people's limiting beliefs. That just because, just because a million people even tell you that it takes you 10 years to run a successful business, does not make it true that. I urge you to question that Because, think about back in the day, before Usain Bolt ran the four minute mile, everyone else was saying that that was impossible, until one person was like ah, bitch, watch, you know, like, watch me, who says that's impossible, like that's the figment of my imagination, right? And so I'm going to share with you a quote that I wrote many years ago that is really powerful and a perfect addition to today's episode, and it's this if you're not driving and you're in a safe place, I recommend you write this down. Okay, but impossible is the end point of one's own imagination. I'm going to say that again Impossible is the end point of one's imagination.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's quite self-explanatory, but, as you can hear in that quote, it's like the end point of where your mind can possibly imagine. Okay for you, what can be possible for you is just the end point of your imagination, there's nothing more. And so how do you change that? You change that by expanding. Your imagination is becoming more expanded in your consciousness, in your awareness, and the more you unlock that, more expanded in your consciousness, in your awareness, and the more you unlock that, well, that is naturally going to affect what is impossible for you, because that's what Usain Bolt did, right, obviously. And so for him he was like in my mind, in my imagination, I can run a four minute mile, so I'm going to do it. And then he did it, and he was alive and well while he did it right, and he, well, while he did it right, and he completely changed um society's belief. Now we can agree that before Usain Bolt did that, that was still a possibility, right, but because he was, he just happened to be the first known person to have actually expanded his imagination to actually create this real reality. It doesn't mean that this possibility of this reality didn't already exist. It already existed.

Speaker 1:

Go back to the Wright brothers. Right, they weren't even airplane engineers and they invented the airplane because they had to imagine that it was possible to fly right Like they did it, because their their imagination prior to them okay, excuse me, prior to the wright brothers inventing airplanes, okay, well, everyone before that would have laughed. If we said let's go fly to antarctica tomorrow on a plane, people would laugh at that. That'd be impossible. Oh my, oh, my God. No, like, be realistic. You got to take a ship, right, but that's bullshit.

Speaker 1:

It took, again, people, one person, a couple people, to imagine something different, to expand what they believed was possible for them in their imagination. That's where it started, right? And then, all of a sudden, everyone's on board. Because, again, I'm going to keep repeating this. It takes one person to expand what's possible for them in their imagination for that thing now to be able to be something that is accepted and easily like, believed to be a reality. So what does this have anything to do with? You're not years away from your desire, you're actually vibrations away from it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm glad you asked, and so it's because let's use the same examples that we've been using. All right, so like, let's go back to, like the Wright brothers, maybe back in those days when people were still like, let's say, the airplane wasn't invented yet at that time, and someone would just turn around and be like, hey, imagine if we could fly like bird, you know. And then let's argue, let's actually humor this um, and say that that person responded with oh, you know, maybe in like 2 000 years we could fly like birds, but like, nowhere near in the near future will we be able to do that, right? And then let's say, the year after the wright brothers invented the plane, and all of a sudden, this quote, unquote, impossibility that would take 2000 years, all of a sudden it was done within a year, like whatever right, just as an example. So let's say that you, your desire in this analogy is you inventing a plane Like I'm just coming up with, like an example, right?

Speaker 1:

And so you might be like that person who's saying, oh, you know, like I'm sure it could be possible, like, um, but it might be like 2000 years away or like another lifetime, or maybe it would just take too much effort, maybe it would just take me like 30 years and I don't know if I can commit to that to get my desire. Maybe your desire everyone's desire looks differently. We have multiple ones. But just as an example to use in this episode, maybe your desire is to be a millionaire, maybe it is to lose 25 kilos, maybe it is to have your perfect relationship, or something like that, right? And so in your mind, what do you think about being a millionaire? When you think about losing 25 kilos, you now can argue and go, oh no, I think it's possible, because I've seen people do it, but there's no way I could just do it like easy, in an easy way, or I could do it fast. So no, I'm just not even gonna try, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so what I'm here to say is that your, your trick, that your mind gives you, is that it's telling you it measures things as like a linear time, because our brain needs some sort of like a measuring system to be able to quantify their desires and to project a future. Right, because we are creative beings, we have a prefrontal cortex, like it's our it's. The reason why we're the most powerful species on earth is because we have this imagination creation machine in our minds, like we are conscious of what we can create in our minds. Right and so. But it has its flaws, and one of those flaws is that, again, it it can only measure things that um, uh, quantified, that have like a number, which is why it's much easier to measure money and why people like put money over a pedestal on a pedestal versus measuring things like health. Because with health it's a bit hard to measure unless you're losing like a significant amount of weight, but let's say you became really healthy but you physically, let's say, look the exact same. It's really hard for the brain to like care about it and to value it.

Speaker 1:

Because, again, one of the flaws of the human brain is that it can only naturally value things that it can again quantify, that it can only naturally value things that it can again quantify, that it can measure with like some sort of a number, and so time is what the brains go to, is. It uses time as a form of measurement, and it can really fuck us up if we don't understand this weakness and we don't turn this weakness into a strength, which is why I'm telling you that you're not years away. That's just this. That's just the way that your brain is learning to sort of interpret reality. It's just an interpretation, it doesn't mean it's fact.

Speaker 1:

What actually is the closest thing to a fact of how far away you could say your desires are from where you are right now is vibrationally. You are vibrations away from your desire. So every single person is like vibrations away from being, say, a millionaire, from losing 25 kilos, from having their dream relationship, for having their dream business, whatever it is for you. Now, what does this actually mean, though, on a practical level? So what this means is that, with a vibration, really like the way that we can understand it and relate to it, it's through emotion. So, to be more technical though, like literally every single thing that you see on the planet, like every single thing, carries its own unique frequency. Okay, but we don't need to know that right now. What we need to really understand is, like the general overview of you as a human and your emotions or emotional state of being carries a frequency, right, and so, as an example, the different kinds of frequencies are.

Speaker 1:

Really people think is like oh, this is high vibe or low vibe, and they they assume that high vibe means positive and they assume that low vibe means negative. And that's very inaccurate, because low vibe things such as anger, such as depression, such as fear, it's not that they're necessarily negative or bad, they are just more dense. If we could like understand and see emotion as like as an example with objects, then let's say that fear would look like ice. Let's say that willingness, so feeling like hopeful, and willingness it represents like water. So you've got ice, that's solid, it's very dense. Okay, I don't, we don't go sitting there calling ice cubes fucking negative. We just say it's solid, it it's hard, it's dense, and so that's like the dense emotions of like, such as fear, depression, grief, and then like in the middle, right, you could say like medium vibes that can be represented as an example with water. So water and ice cubes are made up the same thing, they're just in different frequencies, right?

Speaker 1:

And then high vibe, which is what people think is positive is actually just very light energy. So it's the. It's the opposite of it being dense. And so the lighter the energy, the more high vibe something is, the more we, the more invisible it looks to the human eye, because it doesn't. It's not as dense, right, because the more dense something is, the more it's. It looks solid that we can see with our eyes, it it's easier to measure.

Speaker 1:

And so in this analogy, that would just be steam. Right, because steam is still water. It's just water in a different state, it's water at a higher frequency. You get what I'm saying here. You can see, like, sit in your mind right now, like, imagine it, see an ice cube and the next to an ice cube see water, and then, next to water, see steam. It's very obvious that at the beginning, like the lower, denser emotion, the denser energy, it's more solid, it's harder, that's it, that's all it is.

Speaker 1:

And so when I say that your vibrations away from your desire, not time, time is so inaccurate for how far away to measure how far away your desires are, when you actually see it as right now, if it feels like really far away and out of reach your desire, then right now you are currently at that, like the ice block you're, you're an ice cube right now because your desires are always going to be steam. You get me like it's going to be. It looks, you can't really see it, but you know it's there. It doesn't make it any less real and the way for you to be able to get that desire it's not to create it. It's not you being an ice block and then spending for like all this time hating yourself that you're an ice block and judging that you're an ice block and saying you're 100 years away from an ice block.

Speaker 1:

That's not true, because an ice block in the freezer it is going to be, not just a thousand years away from being steam, it's never going to be steam. Really, let that blow your mind. Because it's in the freaking freezer. It's staying in that dense state. So that's if that in this analogy, you are the ice cube and you want your desire like, let's say, as an example, a millionaire like that desire is steam. No matter how long you wait, you're never going to become steam if you're an ice cube in the freezer.

Speaker 1:

But let's go back to this analogy and say that, as that ice cube, you literally just put it in boiling water and you turn on the heat Within two minutes. If you were to lift the lid, you're going to see steam evaporate, right? You're going to see steam almost instantly. You could agree with that, right? So that's here to prove to us that your desire, again, it's not years away. It's actually very inaccurate, because that ice block will never be steam living in the freezer. The only way for that ice block to turn to steam is for it to literally be heated and for that vibration to be shifted and transmuted right To transmute, to become less dense, right, less solid. And so that is what I mean when I say you're not years away from your desire. Your vibration's away.

Speaker 1:

And if you actually keep believing this false thing of that, your desires are so many years away from you. You are the equivalent of being an ice block locking itself in the freezer, crying about why it will never turn to steam, right? And all you got to do is take yourself out of the freezer and put yourself in the steam and that's it. And so what that looks like in a practical sense in our day-to-day life, you know, it's just it's's feeling. It's being good at regulating your emotions. It's feeling it's being good at understanding you know your, your, your vibe, your energy, your state of being. You know it's developing emotional intelligence and I'm going to give you some real life examples now to really like send this home.

Speaker 1:

Um, and so, as an example, I think it was about eight years ago, I was 25 kilos overweight and prior to that, I had really intense like body image issues and I had body dysmorphia. And even when I wasn't 25 kilos overweight, I would actually be quite skinny and I would think that I was fat and I was constantly trying to lose weight. But it finally got to me and after a car accident and all that stress because I believed I was fat, I lose weight. But it finally got to me and after a car accident, all that stress because I believed I was fat, I actually developed, you know, extra weight on me and I was, yeah, 25 kilos overweight according to the BMI and I felt it Do you know what I mean? And so even at that point, I was like shit, like in the past, I couldn't lose weight. How am I going to lose weight now? I'm like, actually 25 kilos heavier, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

And I remember the day that I discovered this. I remember that was like when I really started to pay attention, I guess, to manifestation, because I was still a newbie back then. Like I understood it but I didn't fully get it, you know. And so, intuitively, what I had done is that because I was at a point where my health was so bad, I got really lucky that my, my health being shit, was like I use it as an opportunity to really realize that like I was just really done trying to um trying to lose weight and diet, because at that point in my life, when I'd um been overweight cause I'd never been overweight before and I'd taken my body for granted in the past was that like I became very unfit so I couldn't even like last more than five minutes in a martial arts class. Like I was a martial artist as a teenager in my early 20s, and this is what we're talking about.

Speaker 1:

I became overweight around my early 20s anyway and I couldn't like last in a class and a big part of who I am still is who I am is being a martial artist and that really took a toll on my my, my self-esteem, you know, because it's like this thing that I love to do like I physically couldn't do, I would actually faint I'm not kidding like I would faint multiple times when I would work out and exercise was again a big part of my life anyway. So from this, from this experience, I was like you know what? I don't give a fuck anymore about how I look, I don't give a fuck about dieting, I don't even care about losing weight Straight up. I just want to feel good. I just want to feel good again. I just want to be able to do a freaking martial arts class and not faint and not be embarrassed every time. You know like this is ridiculous. I just want to feel good. And so let's analyze this for a moment.

Speaker 1:

What happened in that moment was that when I was overweight and I was trying to lose the weight and I was trying to diet all the things that was me as an ice block, meaning that I was very depressed. My state of being was that I felt ugly, I felt weak, I felt really unhealthy, I felt very disgusting as a person because I would binge eat. I ate like a pig, like seriously, it was just not a good look right. And instead, in that moment, when I said you know what Like I actually am done, like, I just want to feel good what I accidentally discovered was that I shifted my vibration, meaning that by me acknowledging that I was done with like needing to look good and lose weight, that was me accepting that I actually felt like I wasn't enough in the first place. Do you know what I mean? That was me accepting that I lived out of fear, aka the ice block.

Speaker 1:

I was living in very dense energy. My desire was to lose the weight, but in a healthy way, so I could be healthy and fit again, so I could just feel good and have longevity in my life and have good health and actually go through a freaking martial arts class without fainting five minutes in. Do you know what I mean? And so in that moment I was like I I'm gonna feel healthy and feel good and feel strong, like that's all I care about, I'm just gonna feel it like. And I became.

Speaker 1:

I went from being like the ice block dense energy, solid energy and slowly, slowly, I took myself out of that freezer and I was putting myself in heat, you could say, to humor this analogy and as each day went by, I started melting. At first I became a liquid, so that was like equivalent of having, like hope, you know, as a state of being, like my dominant vibration and then it eventually turned into authenticity and love, like. I started to love my body and I started to just feel good, even if I had no reason to Like. I literally removed all the mirrors from my room. I stopped obsessing over my body. I even forgot what I look like, so I just wasn't interested anymore. And then guess what? Guys Guess what. You're not going to believe this, but honestly, within three months, without going to the gym, I lost 25 kilos and I didn't starve myself. I didn't like do anything unhealthy, it was completely organically natural. I started to, without force, walk every day and I slowly, slowly, was getting more strong and fit. I learned about nutrition and I was meal prepping every single week. I was doing my best with what I had and I didn't know much about nutrition back then, but I did my best. And just from focusing on feeling good, feeling healthy, feeling strong, I literally matched the vibration of being someone who had a good body and lost weight and was fit. So do you understand what I mean?

Speaker 1:

Like prior to that, I was spending years trying to lose weight and like sometimes I'd achieve it, but like I'd never sustain it. I'd always go back to like gaining some weight or being unhappy with myself because I was an ice block trying to become steam, but staying in the freaking freezer, you know, and instead of going, oh, how long is this gonna take for me to lose those 25 kilos, blah, blah. I was just like I don't give a fuck about the time, because time is not even relevant right now. I'm gonna choose to feel good. I was vibrations away from losing weight because, let me be real with you, like I was like used to eat, try to eat healthy. I used to try to exercise. I'd go to the gym like really, um, and obsessively and unhealthily, and do you think I fucking lost weight? No, sometimes I even got it got worse.

Speaker 1:

Because, again, my desires, your desires, are not years away. It's not effort away, it is vibrations away. The moment that I shifted my vibration, aka my emotional state of being, and I chose to focus. I didn't need to lose weight before I felt strong. I didn't need to lose weight before I felt strong. I didn't need to lose weight before I felt healthy. I didn't need to lose weight before I felt good. I didn't need that, I just chose to fucking feel it. Because of that, I shifted my vibration closer to my desire of losing weight. Okay, so this is just one example of what I'm talking about, and everything else in life works the exact same way. Your current income level, your current beauty, your current confidence, your current business, your current friendships, every single thing Like your desired version of your health, wealth and your relationships, is not years away. Really, hear me, it's vibrations away and unfortunately, it sometimes looks like it's years away because sometimes it takes 10, 20 years to shift those vibrations.

Speaker 1:

Because you're trying to honor the constructs of time, of what is possible based on what's already done, it's you, you looking around and saying, well, these people have, you know, achieved this level of success in their business in 10 years. Therefore, that's possible. Therefore, that's realistic. Therefore, I'm going to do that and I'm going to do everything I can to like, follow it. What do they do? Oh well, in society, it looks like everyone struggles. They got to sacrifice themselves all the things. There's like a 1% chance of succeeding.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to go through a lot of drama in my mind just to make this all legit. Let's create this self-fulfilling prophecy and then you're going to sit there and think that it's not a you problem. You're going to think this is just the way life works, because a million other people were doing it, but a million, billions of people thought that flying was impossible and it didn't mean it was true. You get what I'm saying, and so when you can truly understand this and stop fighting this, that your desire is not years away from you, it's just vibrations away from you, everything will change Everything. And so, to kind of end this episode, I want to end it with like actually giving you an action step. We're going to like talk about just a common desire and we're going to apply it so you can actually bring this into your life in a practical way.

Speaker 1:

So, right now, just whatever you're doing, I just want you to think of a desire, like something that you most desire right now. Just to give you some examples, just remember, there's nothing too big, too small. What matters is what's the most important thing for you right now. Maybe for you, that is losing weight, so you can actually, you know, feel fit again, because maybe this extra weight is making you really tired and you just want to feel good. Another example is that you want to double your income. All right, so let's do double your income for a moment Now, if you want to double your income, that is your desire Right now. You probably think to double your income is two years away, not true, as we know?

Speaker 1:

All right, your vibration's away and so, let's say, your current vibration towards how you feel about money is that you're obviously in some sort of a dense emotion. These dense emotions is what people call like low vibe. In some way. This does not mean, by the way, you're low vibe about everything. It means you're low vibe about this particular desire. Yeah, because, just as a side note, with every single part of your life you have a different vibe. So some people just as an example, you could relate to this Maybe in your relationships, your vibe is very high.

Speaker 1:

You just are someone who naturally has really good relationships, but then your money, your vibe is low. And maybe with your personality and your self-esteem, your vibe is really high, but then, when it comes to romantic relationships, though, your vibe is very low. Do you see what I mean? Like, don't think that you are just one dimensional, you are multi-dimensional. So each single area and part of your life, you'll vibrate in a different place. Yeah, so that's why it's going to be very aware of that that you're multidimensional, as I was saying, though. So let's say that you are low vibe, dense energy towards money and your income, then you naturally it makes sense right that your brain is going well.

Speaker 1:

I'm years away from doubling my income, and so to apply what we're learning today, that your vibrations away, is by embodying right now the state of being, aka the vibe you would feel right now if you doubled your income. So let's say your current income is I don't know, just coming up with something random. Let's say it's $5,000 a month is your current income and your desire is to double that, so have 10K. So how would you feel right now if you had that? So you can apply that to you. Maybe it's weight loss, maybe it's being cured of something.

Speaker 1:

Really, just get into the embodiment right now. Like what would you feel? Would you feel relief? Would you feel proud of yourself? Would you feel relaxed? Would you feel confident? Would you feel powerful? Do you feel respected? How do you feel? That's the state, just like with me eight years ago, when my desire at the time was to lose that weight, lose the 25 kilos. I was going from feeling disgusting. All right, I felt disgusting, and then I decided to feel healthy and strong. I started to decide to feel good and therefore I created it because I was vibrations away from losing weight. I became a person who had a body that I liked, and people who have a body that they like, they don't feel disgusting, they feel ease, they feel good, they feel strong. Right, same thing with your desire.

Speaker 1:

Again, we'll use the example of doubling your income. Maybe now, with how you feel about money, is that you feel exhausted? Right, that's your dense energy towards things. So acknowledge that. And you doubling your income. If you were able to do that, you'd feel relieved. So that's how you apply this right now.

Speaker 1:

Listen to me yeah, you, I want you to embody that relief if that's what it is for you, because that's the equivalent of you taking the ice block out of the freezer and just putting it in the saucepan so that it can melt and then eventually turn to steam, and all you literally got to do don't make this harder than what it is, let this be this simple is to simply embody and hold the feeling of relief. That's it. That's literally it. And then maybe in two hours, you're triggered because you get a bill. Same thing in that moment. Be like you know what? Like it is what it is. I'm going to choose to feel relieved Because, let me tell you, worst case scenario is that, like you, being stressed and feeling exhausted that you're constantly having to pay bills isn't going to make your bills go away. Right, the bill's there. You might as well feel good and just remember that that exhaustion that you're feeling is actually creating more bills in your life anyway. So you have nothing to lose but everything to gain by embodying and shifting your vibration, your vibrations, away from your desire. But you can't just shift into the vibration for one hour and then expect it to come to you. It doesn't work like that. A vibration is not the same as a temporary emotion. A vibration is what emotion do you feel most frequently? That becomes your vibration. And when you become an emotional state, quite consistently, most dominantly, you have no choice but to become someone who has that desire. That's how powerful this work is, guys. This is how like wow, right, so you're not years away from your desire, you are vibrations away from it.

Speaker 1:

I hope you enjoyed today's episode seriously. I want to hear how you went, what did you think about this episode? And please, when you are going through this journey, I want to hear about you applying this. Send me a dm on instagram, either my personal one or my business one. So, at Christina Modafari or at Hot Genius Society, I'd love to hear about how you're going with this, right, because, remember, we're a community. We're here to support each other, and I would love to hear some of your stories.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and if there's someone in your life right now that you know could really benefit from learning the things that you just learned in this episode, please share it with them, right? That can be your good deed for the day. You have no idea what happens when you share this work, because I can't build this community myself. Like I want to help people, right, I want to help people, just like you. We're helping each other out. We're like a global family and I can't do this alone. You are a part of the Hot Genius brand and I really hope that you can share this with someone who's going to appreciate this as much as you have today. All right, so thank you so much for listening and I'll speak to you next week. Bye.

Expanding Imagination to Manifest Desires
Shifting Vibrations Towards Desires
Shifting Vibrations for Desired Manifestations
Spreading Knowledge for Global Family